Wands and Pets and Tattoos OH MY!!!!

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Piper POV

As we walk into the wand shop an old man comes out from the back. "Hello young demigods I have been expecting you." The man I guess is Olivander says. 'Great' I think another monsters wasn't this supposed to be a relaxing vacation from the prophecies.

Olivander most have seen me go for my knife because he said "I am the son of Hecate". Ohh so thats how he knew anyway. "Perseus Jackson please step forward". "Which is your sword arm". "My right one sir" Percy responds uneasily. "Ahh your parents came here a long long time ago and gave me wands for their children you most be them".

I saw him go to the back of the shop and open a vault he came back with thirteen long boxes. He opens the first one. "Coral, 11 1/2 in, hippocampus scale. Give it a try" As soon as he held it a stream of water came out. "Awesome thanks dad" Percy said.

Next was Annabeth. "Good luck wise girl" Percy joked. "Shut it Seaweed brain" Annabeth retorted. OMG I love them they are just sooo cute My OPT!! Ughh my Aphrodite is showing. Anyway her's was Olive branch, 11 in, and owl feather.

It went on and on until it was my turn. Yes I went last being that my mom tried charming him into putting me first. Thanks mom. He opened the last box. It was a pretty chestnut color. "Myrtle tree branch, 13 in, vila hair and dove feather. Very powerful for love spells and potions." Olivander said.

Wands list:

Percy- coral, 11 1/2 in, hippocampus scale

Annabeth- Olive tree branch, 11 in, owl feather

Hazel- White poplar tree branch, 10 in, pomegranate seed

Frank- Dog wood, 12 in, drakon scale

Leo- Fire wood, 9 in, metal bird tail

Thalia- Pine tree branch, 11 in, moonlight (she wasn't to happy about that)

Reyna- Elm, 12 1/2, drago heart string

Nico- Cypress tree branch, 10 in, screech owl feather

Travis and Connor- strawberry tree branch, 10 1/2 in, hawk feather

Calypso- nymphs tree branch, 11 in, moon lace

Jason- Holm oak, 11 1/2 in, eagle feather

Piper- myrtle tree branch, 13 in, vila hair and dove feather

Jason POV

After we all got our wands we went to the cloak shop to get two standard black cloaks. When we left the cloak shop I saw Piper was upset about something. "Hey Pipes whats wrong." I asked. "Nothing" she snapped "and don't call me that." Okay something was definitely wrong she never snapped unless it had to do with her mom.

I pulled her aside and said "I know somethings wrong and its either about your mom or love." She signed "When we where leaving Mr. Olivander pulled me aside and told me that my wand is a wand for love".

Oh so thats whats wrong "Its ok" I said "just because its your wand doesn't mean your like that".

We went back to the group. The last part on our letter was about a pet. When we entered all the animals started making noise. We all walked around, Annabeth asked for the most intelligent owl they had.

Hazel, Piper, and Calypso went over to the cats. I saw Percy see something and run behind a stack of selves. About 20 minutes later we all had pets except for Percy who was nowhere in sight.

Hazel had a black cat, Piper had a British Shorthair, Calypso had a Birman. Nico had a screech owl, I had an eagle, Thalia had a flacon, Annabeth had a grey owl who looked exactly like Athena's sacred owl. Then out of nowhere I see Percy come from the back with TWO DOGS!!!

He had a Brittany and a bulldog. Of course he had to be the one that stood out. He handed Reyna the Brittany and kept the bulldog.

Reyna POV

When we first entered the pet shop I saw I heard a dog back. I elbowed Percy and asked him "Did you just hear that". "Hear what?" He asked. "The dog" "Wait I see it OMG they are so cute I'm getting one" "No you can't it says only owls, toads, or cats" I tell him.

"Well I'm dyslexic so I'll just borrow a paper from a student and say I thought it said dogs and you can say the same thing". he tells me. "Ok" I agree "If they have any Brittany's get me one I love those types of dogs".

He runs away. I turn and see Jason's puzzled face. "He saw something he liked" I told him. "Ok" he responded.

When we where all paying Percy came running up and said these two.

Annabeth looked at with disapproval. We left the store and headed to the ice cream place. I saw Ginny and waved to her. She seemed like a nice kid.

When we got over they just stared at mine and Percy's dog. "Even though those dogs are so cute you do know they aren't aloud at school right." Hermione says.

"Well" Percy says "I'm dyslexic so I saw dogs and they told us we could have the pets that where aloud at our old school."

"Oh you most all be the exchange students from America" Ginny said flirting.

I only knew her for a little bit but I already felt bad. Percy was completely oblivious like always.

But Thalia was staring daggers at her. "Hey I saw a joke shop on the way her can we go check it out" Connor asked.

"Sure" I said. We all went to a place called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

When we got in a group of twins came up to Percy. "Hey I'm Fred" said one. "And I'm George" the other one said.

Percy asked "Do you two own this place". "Yep" replied Fred.

"Cool" Percy said "I have two friends of mine you might want to met they are our schools pranksters".

I saw him take the over to the Stolls. Ughhh I have to stop watching Percy.

I turned around and found a bunch of lollipops. Cool I haven't had any in a long time.

I see a skull and snake. I should show these to Nico. I pick one up and my sweatshirt sleeve falls back revealing my SPQR tattoo. I quickly cover it remembering how Chiron told all of us not to let anyone see it.

I turn around and see Harry and Ron staring at my right arm. 'Crap' I think they must have seen it I hurry over to Nico hoping to the Gods they didn't see it and I'm just being paranoid.


Shayla- Hi everyone I don't own anything except the plot and some new characters that will appear soon

Leo- All characters belong to J.K.Rowling and Uncle Rick

Shayla- Leo what the heck are you doing here this is supposed to be my disclaimer

Leo- *sticks out tongue* to bad

Shayla- I could make Calypso break up with you so don't push it

Leo-*sobs* but you ship caleo

Shayla- Anyway I hope you all enjoy

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