Quidditch Tryouts

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Hey Everyone sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with school and other things. I really hope you all enjoy my story.

154 READS ARE YOU SIRIUS THIS IS NUTS. I'm so so so happy you all seem to like it. 

I don't own any characters but I do own the plot.


Hermione POV (bet you didn't see that coming)

After all the classes I headed back to the common room. I sat in a big comfy chair by the fire and took out a book to read. It was called Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse. You see a few years ago this series came out called Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Whoever wrote this book is a genius.The book was from the mortal world so no other kids had it except some other muggle borns. As I kept reading I heard some noise. I put a bookmark in the page and turned to look at the door. All the ES came in, 'Thats funny' I thought. "Come on guys we have homework to do" I heard the blonde Ravenclaw girl Annabeth I think say. "But Annieee" I heard Percy complain, "I need you to teach me some spells for my dual."

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here" The brunette Slytherin Piper I guess say. I duck lower on the chair trying not to be seen. "Fine I'll help you Seaweed Brian but after we do homework" Annabeth said. I looked a bit above my chair and saw that the Slytherin boys weren't there and neither was the Hufflepuffs. Jason, Percy, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, Thalia, and a brown hair Ravenclaw named Reyna. They all put their bags on the floor near the biggest table. I thought this was treason having a Slytherin in the Gryffindor common room, but I kept quiet. I watched them train and after 20 minutes neither one had won. "Expelliarmus" Reyna and Thalia said at the same time taking the wands away. "We have homework and need your help" Thalia said "So stop dueling and help us."

I sat in the chair for what felt like forever. I didn't dare move for not wanting to be discovered. Finally they all packed their bags, got up, and headed to dinner. I sighed with relief as I slide out of the chair. "That was close" I mutter to my self. I pick up my book and head to the Great Hall for food. When I got there I sat down next to Ron and squeezed his hand. "Hey whats wrong moine" he asked. "I was in the common room when some of the exchange students came in" I replied. "Did you fid out any useful info" Harry asks leaning in. "Well Percy, Thalia, Jason, and Leo where there along with the two Exchange from Ravenclaw and the Slytherin girl." I say taking some food. "Did you happen to see any of their tattoos?" Ron asks. I shrug "Honestly I was trying not to get caught but I did find out that Percy will be using a mix of offense spells during the duel. 

When we get back to the common room I finish my homework on my bed. I pick up my book to continue where I left off. Tears start to fall "No Zoe don't die please." I start to cry at her last words. "I can see the stars again my lady." I start to cry more "First Bianca and now Zoë." I see Thalia's head whip around. "How do you know about Zoë." she asks threateningly. "I'm reading a book called Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse and one of my favorite characters Zoë Nightshade just died" I tell her "How do you know Zoë." Um I read the books too" she says with tears in her eyes. I look at her and see pain. "Are you okay Thalia you don't seem alright" I say worried for her health. "Ya...Ya I'm fine just need some air" and with that she walks out of the dorm. After a few more minutes I close my book and put it on the night stand. I think about the way Thalia looked at the mention of Zoë like she knew her. 

Percy POV

It was Saturday morning and I woke up to a shock literally. Thalia, Jason, and Leo where standing over my bed. "Really Pinecone Face and Sparky was that necessary" I asked them. "Well you wouldn't get up Kelp Head so we made you" Thalia said with a triumphed look on her face. Once I was out of bed she left. I changed into some clothes and grabbed a broom. Jason, Leo and I are trying out for the Quidditch team. I ate a breakfast of pancakes really wishing they where blue. As they continued to talk the 'Golden Trio' *barf* got up and left. After a few more minutes they followed with Annabeth, Piper, Calypso, and Thalia.

When they got to the quidditch felid. "Thalia way didn't you try out with your dad and all" Leo asked. "Lets just say I don't like heights after what happened to my mom" she snapped back. "Ok you two break it up" Calypso said. We headed on to the felid and where met by Hairy sorry Harry *mental eye roll*, Ginny, and Ron. "What brings you to my neck of the woods" Harry asked, I swore he was staring at me. "We are here to pick daisies duh" I said being extra sarcastic. Ginny tried to hold in a laugh and Ron was grinning. "Well Jackson" I swear I hear poison dripping from my name "This is for try outs so go somewhere else to pick daisies" he smirked at me. 

"Wow your really don't know what sarcasm is do you" Leo asked. Harry looked dumbfounded. "Were here to try out for the team" Jason said cutting in "I'll be going for catcher, Leo beater, and Percy Keeper." Ron glared at me, "Do I have something on my face that your glaring at" I asked. *I can be way to sassy......NOT* Harry looked at me "You'll have to beat out Ron who was the Keeper two years ago so you don't have a huge chance." "Well then I'll try my best" I smiled and stuck my hand out to Ron "May the best person win." I went over to Annabeth and made a silent prayer to Zeus that he wouldn't try to kill me in the sky. "Hey Annie Beth" I said to my awesome wonderful girlfriend. She looked up out of her book at me and glared "Don't call me Annie Beth, Perseus." 

"Sorry" I complained "Now can I get a kiss it is tradition you know." She looked at me and flatly said "No." "Whyyy" I wined. "Because" she said "That is only for battles major ones to clarify." and with that she went back to reading her book. I huffed and walked back towards the group. I waited for my turn to come. It was me against Ron, 'Easy peasy' I thought. Once we where in the air I protected every single ball and made sure nothing got in the hoops. Riding the broom was like riding a pegasus. I saw Ron was losing terribly. Just then another ball came whizzing towards the left hoop. I was about to hit it when my broom went to the side letting the ball go through. This happened until me and Ron where tied up. I looked at the stands and saw Annabeth staring at Hermione. Then it clicked, Rom and Hermione where dating and she was trying to make me lose the position so he could get it.

Well Miss Granger two can play at that game. The air was wet like rain and fog, I focused on the water droplets in the fog and made all the spells thrown at me didn't work. By the end of the time I had beat Ron 199:50. As I landed I went over and shook Ron's hand saying good game. Hermione was basically fuming. I walked over to her and said "I know what you where doing and guess what it didn't work so don't pull a stunt like that again." I walked away with my friends back to the castle. When I entered the common room I started thinking about what to do. I had a duel later today and I still needed my Wise Girl to help me with some spells.

I decided to go for a offense and defense something I learned at camp. It keeps your opponent guessing what move your going to do next. Also if you keep playing offense and your opponent moves for a strike then you can pull a harder defense move. I started practicing the spells Annabeth taught me until the boys came in. I turned to Jason "Have you felt that a student knows who we are." I asked. "The chances are super duper slim like almost none" he said reassuring. "Have the "Golden Trio" stared at your right arm lately?" I asked. "Ya its weird like they know something is there and they know what is." "Great just what I thought" I stood up from my bed and walked to the door. "I have 1 hour to spend with you guys before I whip Hairy's butt so lets get some food" I suggest. At the mention of food a head appears. "I hope your letting me come or I'll serve you on. sliver plater to the Hunters" Thalia said. "Wow thanks Thals good to know you have my back." I said. "Ew I don't want you front or back" she retorted. Leo was shaking more then usually with laughter and Jason was snorting and laughing at the same time. 

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