The Duel

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Hey Everyone. I can't sleep so I thought I would continue the story. I really hope you like my stories. 

I got 645 in Nico!!!! I would love if all you trusty fans would vote, follow me, and read my other story.

I don't own anything but the plot all right to J.K.Rowling and Rick Riordan

Now on with the story!!!!


Harry POV

I sat in the common room talking to Ron and Hermione. Thats when I saw Jackson, Grace, Valdez, and Thalia walk in with cookies and butter beer.  They walked upstairs to I guess our dorm. "I can't believe that he is so confident that he will win that he's already have a party" I remark, "I'm so going to take him down." They nod in response. "Your right Harry but maybe we shouldn't be so cocky I saw him earlier today and he was good." Hermione says.

"Ya but he didn't save the world" Ron says "He only said those things so he looked popular." I nodded "Which is why when I beat him everyone will know what a fake he is." I looked at the clock. "You two better get down to the forest if you don't ant to be late" Hermione told me and Ron. We walked out of the dorm on our way to the forbidden forest. 

We were standing there waiting when two figures appeared. They came closer. It was Jackson and I guess his second Jason Grace. I walked up "Ready to lose Jackson" I sneered. "Not planning on it Potter" Percy said with a sly grin. We took our stands, I raised my wand. 5...4...3....2...1. I shot disarming spell at Percy that he easily blocked. I kept pressing but he kept blocking. Hermione was right he was taking the offensive route. I was about to shout another spell when a jet of red hit me making my wand fly out of my hand and into Percy's. WHAT!!!!!!! I looked at Ron to see if that just happened. He stood there shocked. 

"I guess I win" Percy said looking at me "And that means I'm better than you so stay away from my Annabeth." And with that he and Jason walked back towards the castle. "How..How did he do that" I asked Ron "I'm the saver of the world defeater of Voldemort and just lost to an exchange student who didn't do anything ever." Ron looked at me with sadness in his eyes "Sorry mate, lets just make sure no-one finds out about this." With that we walked back to the castle. "So who won" Hermione said the second we entered the common room. "Jackson" I muttered. She covered her mouth "What how he must have cheated there is no way he could have beaten you." she continues.

I head upstairs and change into my sleep wear. I look over and see Leo sound asleep and Percy's bed empty but Jason's curtains drawn with a light and two figures. I shush Ron and lean in to hear what their saying. "Bro its ok your not there anymore your out with Annabeth and you got me" I heard Jason say. "I'm sorry Bro its just ever since I met that Harry kid he keeps looking at Annabeth and I'm afraid I'm going to lose her." Percy says. "Dude there is no way on earth that she would ever dump you for him, you saved the world twice, went through hell with her just so she wouldn't be alone. Your the most romantic guy in the group your making us all look bad." Jason replied. "Thanks bro I needed that your the best" Then they hugged and I saw the curtain being pulled back. 

I quickly went in my bed and pretended to be asleep. I watched Percy wipe tears from his eyes and lay down in bed. I laughed to myself He finds me a threat which is good. That means I have a chance to get Annabeth. I seriously can't believe they are still playing the whole hell and savior thing like come on. I have books written about me and my glories. I close my eyes thinking about Annabeth and kissing her. I drifted off to sleep thinking about her wonderful, scary, cute gray eyes.


Sorry this is a short one I'm having a bit of a writers block and really hope you guys could comment some story ideas

xx- Shayla

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