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OMG!!!! I would like to give a SHOUT OUT TO nightcoreanimefan for supporting my story and Adding IT TO Their Reading List!!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters they belong to Rick Roridan and J.K.Rowling



It was a month since the duel making it October I was sitting with Percy, Jason and Thalia.

"So are you all going to Hogsmeade" Seamus asked.

"Whats Hogsmeade" Jason asked.

"You've never heard of Hogsmeade" Dean Thomas asked us.

We all shock our heads "Its a town with a bunch of shops and restaurants over by school" Seamus said sitting across from us.

We made friends with some of the students like Dean and Seamus.

"They didn't have things like that in America" Thalia says. After Breakfast Professor McGonagall comes up to us.

"Students Professor Hera got all your forms signed by your parents so you could go to Hosmeade" Professor M says. (I'm just going to cal her Professor M for short)

"Awesome" the Stolls and I shout. We get a couple of looks. "Now run along to class" Professor M told us in a strict tone.

After all the morning classes we all sat together during lunch. "Why would Hera do something to please us" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know" I said "But I heard Honey-dukes has AWSOME candy." "Yes I haven't had a sugar rush since I can't remember" Thalia said.

"Well we can't eat much candy" Katie said "Its bad for your teeth."

"Fineeeee" Travis said.

*Time Skip*

I woke up and got on jeans, a non flammable shirt and my school robe or is it a cloak. I decided to wake up Jason and Percy.

By the time we where all down stairs a bunch of people where already leaving.

The seven, Nico, Reyna, Katie, and the Stolls headed out to catch a carriage.

When we got there we saw tons of different stores.

"Hey Guys" Dean said coming over. "Wanna head to Honey-dukes the place just got restocked.

We ran to the sweet shop. There was so many different candy it was crazy.

"Super Sized McShizzle likes this place" I said loudly picking up a hand full of candy.

We spent over an hour there. We each had a bunch of sugar quills, frizzy whizzbees, chocolate frogs, exploding bon bons, blue jelly beans (you can guess who) and lots more.

"Ok I starving" Piper said sucking on a 'vegan' lollipop. "I saw a place called the three broomsticks on the way over" Hazel suggested.

We all went over. I was a jittering mess from all the candy I just consumed.

When we got there everyone ordered different butter beers. Piper, Hazel, Annabeth and Katie got hot butter beer.

Me, Thalia, Reyna, Frank, Percy, and Jason got regular. Nico and the Stolls got frozen butter beer.

When we left the girls where still sipping there warm drinks.

Annabeth saw a book store and pulled us all in. We where there for 10 minutes.

Demigods at Hogwarts *HOO and Harry Potter Cross Over* [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now