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"See what did I tell you" I say to Harry. "You saw how she got nervous when we saw it and ran away". 

"They didn't see to know who I was so maybe its just a doodle" he replies.

I see he's now looking at Annabeth. Great he likes a death eater. "Snap out of it mate she's a death eater." "You don't know that for sure" he replies.

"Your just mad that I broke up with Ginny and you want us back together" he seems really mad.

He is right I was upset they broke up but now I don't care. He fancies an exchange student who might not even stay and could kill him for killing her leader.

"She has a boyfriend Harry" I say "And they don't seem to be breaking up."

"Well Ron I am the boy who lived" he says, "I can get any girl I want."

UGHH he is being really stupid right now. "Whatever mate" I tell him, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

I walk away and go over to where the stuff to get out of class is.

I see the little latino elf Leo. "Hey" I say.

"Do these things really work" he asks getting all hipper. 

I see Calypso his girlfriend come over. "Calm down Leo your going to scare our new friends away." she says.

I look at her right arm and don't see the mark but Leo's has something faded on it. 

"Ya they do" I replied, "My brothers the ones who own this place made them."

"Awesome" he says and runs away.

I turn around and see Reyna the one with the mark I saw before talking to the emo boy Nico over by the instant darkness rocks.

What are they discussing I think and make my way over to them hiding behind a pillar.

Nico POV

I was looking at the instant darkness rocks when I see Reyna come running towards me.

"Whats up" I ask. "I found some lollipops that looks like a skeleton and thought you would like them".

'Okay something is defiantly up' I think. I look over at her and see she is pulling on her sleeve trying to cover up her SPQR mark.

"Whats really going on" I ask in a hushed tone.

She looks around to make sure no one is spying on us. 

"When I picked up a lollipop to show it to you my sleeve fell back reveling my tattoo" she said.

"Okay and whats the problem with that as long as no one-"

"Thats the problem I saw Ron and Harry staring and my arm" she says cutting me off.

This is not good. "Listen I we can go ask Annabeth to cover it with magic, and if anyone asks about is just say you like to doodle on your arm."

She nods her head. I can sense she scared cause if anyone found out and put two and two together our case would be blown.

"Its going to be fine" I resure her. 

*Time skip* 

After a long time in WWW we finally finish shopping. We all head into the Leaky Cauldron and sit down to get food.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny join us and talk to us about the Wizarding world in Britain.

By the time the waiter comes we've learned a lot of information. 

All the Wizards order Butterbeer which peaks Leo's interest of course. 

"Wait you've never heard of butter beer?" Hermione asks.

Annabeth comes to the rescue "No, they don't have that in the US."

"You all have to try it" Ginny says. "Its the best drink ever!"

"No way" Percy says "I'll try it but it can't be better than Coke."

now its there turn to be confused.

"Whats coke?" Ron asks. Than Percy gets into this huge discussion about the wonders of coke a cola.

By the time Percy's done telling them the waiter has come back with our orders.

Thalia picks up her bottle "It doesn't look like much" she says.

"Just try it" Ginny says "Its amazing."

Leo is the first one to drink it.

His eyes light up. "Its sooo good".

We all decide to take a drink. Everyone seems to like it.

"So how do you like it Neeks" Leo asks.

"First of all don't call me that" I say "and it ok."

By the time we all finish dinner the others say goodbye and leave.


Shayla- Nico would you do the honors

Nico- No

Shayla- Fine how about you Thalia 

Thalia- fine 

Thalia- Shayla doesn't own anything

Thalia- All rights are reserved to Rick Riordan and J.K.Rowling 

Shayla- thank you Thalia

Thalia- ya sure

Shayla- I hope you enjoyed reading my story

Demigods at Hogwarts *HOO and Harry Potter Cross Over* [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now