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Harry POV

I still can't get over the fact that my perfect sweet Annabeth was dating a Death Eater and in Ravenclaw.

I get she's smart but I still wish she was in MY house.

There is no way that the copy cat crush stealer could have gone through more than me.

I'm the boy who lived, I had no parents, and defeated Voldermort.

There is nothing that Jackson could have done thats worse than that.

When we get to our dorms I realize that Jason, Leo, and Percy, would be sharing a dorm with us.

Dean, and Seamus would be with some others.

When we got inside I saw a dog chasing his tail on Percy's bed.

"Hey rocky what are you doing" Percy asked.

When we all got in bed I heard tinkering and clicking.

I look over nut the tinkering is coming from Leo's bed.

I see Percy is playing with a pen some muggle thing.

Jason sees what I looking at and stares I horror.

"Put that away your going to give someone a heart attack like you did to Racheal" Jason whispers to Percy.

"Your so uptight and how do you know about that" Percy asks.

"I know everything about you and Racheal that Annabeth doesn't" he replies.

Great he's probably cheating on that perfect golden haired princess all I have to do is find out what.

I hear Percy groan and say "Shut it Grace your waking up my dog." and then falls asleep.

After a little bit everyone falls asleep.

I wake up to screaming.

I jump out of bed to see Percy thrashing around crying.

Travis POV

I was having a great sleep about my lovey Katie.

When all of a sudden I heard screams.

Nico, Connor, and I all jumped out of bed put on slippers (that of course me and Connor stole) and ran to the Gryffindor common room.

Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Reyna where hot on our trails with Annabeth leading the way. 

I she looked ready to murder someone *cough* Hera *cough*.

When we got there she was crying. and shot up the boy room stairs.

Harry POV

I get up to see Jason, Leo, and Thalia muttering to them selves and cursing under their breath.

"Whats going on" I ask them as I get closer.

The door flies up reveling all the exchange students. This is getting weird.

Annabeth runs over to Percy with tears streaming down her face.

She sits on his bed holding his hand whispering something to him.

"No please not Annabeth leave her alone" I hear Percy say and starts moving around again. 

Frank, Nico, Jason and Leo hold him down and Piper comes over and starts whispering something in his ear.

He starts calming down, then freezes and cries.

The entire school is up by now except for the teachers.

Demigods at Hogwarts *HOO and Harry Potter Cross Over* [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now