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Hey everyone happy new year! I hope you all have a great new year! I hope you all read my new story that just came out with a new chapter.

Thank you all for everything!!!

Now onto the story!!!


Annabeth POV

As soon as Percy lifted his arm to stretch his SPQR. I turned and saw Harry staring at his arm.

Uh oh. Percy ran to the next class. I followed him.

When we got there people where laughing.

"Whats so funny Cho" I asked.

"Oh its just that this teacher is a big fraud she tells everyone that they will die" Cho Chang says.

When we climbed up the stairs I grabbed a table for four and Percy, Jason, and Piper sat down.

"I was told this teacher is a fake" Jason says.

"Bro same" Percy told him.

"Bro" "Bro" They had this whole bro moment where me and Piper just rolled our eyes and laughed.

When they finish. We just talk until the teacher came out.

She had really big glasses on and weird clothes.

She became really dramatic and took a long pause.

She came over to where we were sitting and pointed at Percy.

"You my dear how did you survive" Professor said. "Someone will try and kill you. You will die by a wrath."

Percy looked really shocked and laughed to be starred at. "What thats not the first time someone has told me this."

He elbowed me "Remember Kronos, he told me that exact thing in my dreams and to my face, but how does she know that."

"Ok class everyone look into your tea leaves and tell me what you see." Professor Trelawney said.

I looked in my cup and saw something I've never heard about.

Racheal thought me a technic looking past the obvious.

It showed me something I've never heard of. It was Percy with Racheal standing by a bridge. And then she kissed him.

'What' I think this can't be right. "Seaweed Brain" I say my voice cracking.

"Ya wise girl" looking at me "Whats wrong."

"You....you kissed Racheal." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Annie she kissed me and this was right before...before" He said now on the verge of tears.

OMGI just brought up Beckford. Thats why he never told me.

He still blames himself for Beckford's and Selina's deaths.

"Percy I'm so sorry for accusing you." I say.

Without another word me got up and walked to another table.

I saw him sit over next to Ginny and a couple of girl who completely swooned over him. She didn't assign any homework.

After Greek we all went to lunch. Percy didn't even look at me when I went to my table.

I saw him pick up a slice of pizza and didn't eat it.

I could hear my heart break I did this. My stupid jealousy. Thalia came over and asked "Whats wrong with Kelp Head he's not eating and thats not good."

Demigods at Hogwarts *HOO and Harry Potter Cross Over* [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now