Yule Ball Part 2

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Hey guys next chapter I'm going to thank everyone for there support so comment what your favorite song, singer, Percy Jackson Character, whatever.


Harry POV

All week I was trying to get Annabeth's attention.

But of course on Thursday night at dinner I saw Percy and Annabeth come in together.

I was about to ask her when Percy jumped on the table and screamed at the top of his lungs.


I looked to him saw the other es kids where snickering.

The twins where setting something up and Leo had a camera.


Annnabeth jumped onto the Ravenclaw bench and screamed "YES OF COURSE."

She ran to him and they kissed as fireworks went off. It was in another langue.

All the girl ES students where aw-ing and the boys where laughing.

My heart fell. I scowled at him and turned back to my food.

*Time skip to before Yule Ball*

I was finishing putting on my dress robes.

Hermione was helping Ron with his tie.

Luna was going with me as a friend.

When we got downstairs I saw that all the ES students where together.

They walked out and probably didn't see us.

When we got to the Great Hall I saw that Annabeth was wearing a beautiful gray floor length dress that fit her curves.

All the guys where wearing muggle tuxedos and ties.

I saw that Nico, Reyna, and Thalia where hanging out together.

I went over a grabbed a butter beer and drank it.

By midnight I was bored from all the girls that Percy rejected asking me to dance with them.

By 3 I went back to my dorm.

I went to bed. I woke up in the morning and saw Hermione in the room.

"Go get Ronald up so we can go downstairs and open up presents." she said crossing her arms.

I rolled Ron off the bed and onto the floor.

He jumped up "Bloody Hell mate" he said and rubbed his head.

"Come on Ron, Hermione wants us outside to open up presents." I said walking.

Hermione joined us at the stairs.

We walked down together and saw all Exchange Students sitting exchanging presents.

I swung open the door and they all looked at us .

"Merry Christmas Annabeth and others" I said with a smile that gets all the girls.

They all groaned and Annabeth stared at me which was probably scary.

"What do you want" Nico said rolling his eyes.

"Why the hell are snakes here" Ron says staring at Percy.

"Because we want to now go away" Piper says.

I turned around and went back upstairs and was followed by Ron and Hermione.

When I half way up the stairs I stopped.

"Who do they think they are bossing us around let's go back downstairs and show them who's boss" I said and we all went back down.

By the time we where back in the common room they where all gone.

We exchanged gifts and went on with the day playing exploding snap and wizard chess.

The whole time I was thinking about my gold haired beautiful princess.

By the end of the day Ron and I went back to the common room to see Percy, Leo, Jason, and the twins playing with Percy's dog.

I rolled my eyes and dreamed of me marrying Annabeth and how sweet her lips felt against mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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