The Announcement

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I don't own the PJO, HOO, HP series or characters. 

All rights to Rick Riordan and J.K.Rowling 


Thalia POV

Percy decided we where going to stay and I couldn't agree more.

I wanted to keep an eye on these wizards especially Hermione.

She keeps mentioning people who have died and I see her reading a book on Percy.

Rachel got bored one day and just started writing about Percy's adventures that she has seen in her dreams from his point of view.

Why any decent person would want to read about Kelp Head it blows my mind.

Rachel went under the pen name Rick Riordan and published the books.

Its been bringing in a lot of money for camp which helps with making it bigger.

Ugh stupid ADHD anyway I put on my stupid robes and went down stairs to Breakfast.

I got some eggs and a chocolate chip muffin. By the time everyone else was downstairs I had finished.

Professor M stood up at the eagle podium thing and said there would be an announcement later today. 

Why didn't she tell us just then whatever. 

I went to class got high marks yada yada yada. By the time it was lunch I was starving.

I was still laughing from when Professor Trelaweny wanted us to predict yours or someone else's death and Kelp head being Kelp Head said "Isn't that Rachel's job."

Everyone stared at him confused but us demigods. 

I grabbed a gyro still smiling from the event. "Pinecone Face is smiling Oh no whats next Annabeth not knowing something" Leo said.

I glared at him "Don't call me that." He gulped.

"Ya thats mine and only my nickname for her right lighting princess" Percy says. 

Oh he's gonna get it. "What was that you called me Barnacle Butt" I said glaring at him.

He gasps "You called me something other then Kelp Head the world really is ending" and then breaks into laughter.

Jason bro fists him and I give him a cold stare "Not you too."

"Sorry sis but Percy's my Bro and you have to admit that was funny" Jason says.

"Whatever" I turn and see a lot of starring. "As you were" I say annoyed. 

"Hey Hermione are you almost done with the series" Ginny asks. 

"Ya you can barrow them soon" Hermione replies.

"What series" I ask turning to face Ginny. 

"The Percy Jackson series I heard you read them" she says.

I hear a few stifled laughs from the boys.

She looks at them quizzically. "Ignore them they are just being stupid." 

She starts to ask questions like have I ever met the writer *enter giggles here*.

Percy starts to answer some of Hermione's questions about quests. 

After lunch we head to the common room for free period. 

Hermione hands Ginny the book who immediately starts reading. 

"Hey Percy yours and Annabeth's name is in this book" Ginny says. 

At the end of free period she is a quarter through the book.

"Wow you read almost as fast as Annie" Percy says.

She giggles "Well I really like reading this book" she then batts her eyelashes.

Jason clears his throat "Um we better not be late for DADA."

When we get to the class I take a seat next to Reyna. The couples are all together besides me, Reyna, Nico, and Connor.

"Ok class today we will try to make a Patronus" Hera says.

"Who would like to demonstrate." Harry raises his hand and makes a stag that looks like a ghost.

"The way you make one is by thinking of your happiest memory"

I remembered being reunited with Jason. A wolf came out of my wand and howled. I looked over  and saw Reyna had made her dogs Argentum and Aurum. I saw Percy, Annabeth, and Nico where having a hard time. 

In the end everyone got it.


Thalia- wolf

Nico- Screech Owl

Reyna- Argentum and Aurum 

Connor and Travis- Frog (his classical prank)

Katie- cat

Calypso- hamster

Leo- Festus 

Frank- Panda

Hazel- Arion

Piper- Black Panther

Jason- Eagle 

Annabeth- Gray Owl

Percy- Pegasus 

The rest of the classes went by with me not really caring.

Finally dinner came and I sat next to Ginny across from my lovely brother.

Before dinner started Professor M went up to the podium.

"Hello students I am pleased to announce that since we have visitors this year we will be having a Yule Ball on Christmas." There was a couple or groans.

"Whats a Yule Ball" Leo asks Dean. "Its this big Ball During Christmas night where you have a date." Dean says.

"Do you have to have a date" I ask rolling my eyes Lady Artemis would not be pleased.

"You could go with a friend" Hermione says. 

After dinner Seamus comes up to me. "Um hey Thalia I was wondering if you would like to go to the Yule Ball with me."

I look at him "I'm sorry but I can't." "Someone already asked you."

"No its just I can't date boys kinda swore off it" he looks down t his feet.

"Oh sorry never mind" and walks away.

"Wow way to let him down easy" Leo says coming up behind me.

"Oh shut up Valdez your getting on my last nerve." 

When I get to bed I see Hermione starring at something by my bed.

"Um Thalia how do you have the exact replica of a Hunter of Artemis tiara for her Lieutenants." Hermione asks.

"What do you mean" I ask hiding it behind my back. I forgot to put it away this morning. 

"Huh thats weird I could have sworn, never mind" she turned around and faced the other side of her bed.

That was a close one. I put it away in my suitcase so no one else finds it.

This is going to be a very interesting month.

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