Classes part 3

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I entered the class room and waited for everyone to come in. 

I took a seat towards the front and waited for Harry to sit next to me.

He snuck into the dorm when the boys where talking to Percy and I want to know what they said.

I turned and looked out the door and saw Percy and Annabeth kissing. Piper and Hazel looked ready to faint from the kiss and the boys where laughing.

When they finally broke apart I saw Reyna grab Annabeth while Jason grabbed Percy and they all walked in.

After a few minutes Harry sat down next to me.

"Hey mate what took you so long" I asked.

"Why does she even like him, he has nothing compared to me" Harry said looking mad.

"Hello class" a woman entered the room.

I heard the ES gasp. "What in Hades is she doing here" Percy asked.

"I am Professor Hera" the woman said.

"Her of all people" Reyna said.

"Now children I know you don't like me" Professor Hera said.

"Thats an understatement" Annabeth said loudly cutting her off.

All the ES nodded in augment making Piper clutch Jason's arm tighter.

And Annabeth looking ready to kill our new professor.

"As I was saying this year will be a bit different. We will be training with both wands and weapons. And don't worry I have been put under strict guidance not to do what I did last year so you can let go of Percy dear." Professor Hera said.

"I heard something like in your dreams" from Piper and Annabeth.

"Today we will be work on bogwarts. How about the exchange students go first." the professor said.

"Fine" Thalia said "I'll go first."

We all lined up Annabeth was after Thalia and Percy was after her.

I stood behind Harry.

"Ok" Professor Hera said in a happy voice "Don't jump in front of the person let there bison play out."

Ok this lady is totally weird. 

Thalia was up first. When the bogwart came out it took the shape of a women telling Thalia she disappointed her, then it was a cliff that looked about 1000 feet in the air.

The vision ended and Annabeth went next.

At first it was a spider which I can relate to. Than the spider started drawing her into a pit, then it was a land that was red with fire and looked completely crazy. 

She started shaking and then fainted. Harry ran forward but Percy caught her. 

He gave her to Thalia to hold. The  boggwart saw Percy and grinned evilly.

At first it was a black endless pit which made Percy flinch. Next was the same place as Annabeth saw except it was scarer and more vivd, Percy was staring in horror as senes played out. 

After that a bunch of people I didn't know appeared that I didn't know but the Exchange Students did.

They started tell Percy that their deaths where his fault and he should have died not them. After a long line of people I saw Percy on the ground crying pleading and begging forgiveness for not being able to save them.

All the students looked scared and where trying to calm him down.

A man came out that everyone looked confused at. He bent down to Percy and pulled him up by his ear.

He started yelling at him telling him how stupid he was and then hit a woman who looked a little like Percy making him cry harder. Then the scene shifted it was Annabeth lying on the ground with a knife in her stomach telling Percy to let go and she would be all right. He wouldn't though and the exchange boys lifted him and carried him away while he screamed at them. Annabeth put her arm around him and told him that its just a vision and that she was here.

When the images where over he was a mess with tears down his face. 

Harry turned around to me "I guess we know what his worst fears are" he said evilly.

By the end of class almost all the ES where crying.

Calypso went up to the professor and said "I don't care that your who you are but hurt my friends again and I will go straight to your husband and tell him what you did to us. Especially Percabeth." With that she walked away.

Everyone headed down to dinner. The exchange students all sat together. I being a Prefect and told them "You can't sit here your violating school code and besides we don't let Slytherins sit with us." 

"Well if you have a problem with us then why don't you take it up with Professor McGonagall." Nico said smugly. 

"We don't listen to Snakes" Harry said getting up.

"Oh really well maybe you'll listen while I take that Prefect badge" Reyna said getting up.

"Never mind" I said sitting back down.

Harry sat closer to me "I bet Percy doesn't know what real pain is so I'll duel him and show Annabeth how much better I am."

"I'm in mate" I told him.

I smiled "Lets show those death eaters who runs this school!"


I don't own anything but the plot. 

If you like this story please give a vote and read my other one.

I won't be posting as frequently as I did because I'm back in school. 

Also leave comments!!!

I need a name to call you all!!!

So comment what I should!!!

Thank you,


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