Yule Ball

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Hey Guys,

OMG I just saw their are 859 reads!!!! 

I'm so happy you all liked my book. I started this in December because I was bored one day and I can't believe so many people like it. 

If you haven't already I would love for you all to go check out my two other books/ stories. 

The Queen (a percabeth selection) and Demigods at High School.

Thank you all so much!!!! 

Now on with the story


Annabeth POV

For the entire week boys kept asking me to the dance.

I just left the Great Hall when Jacob from my house came up.

"Hey Annabeth" he says smiling. 

I roll my eyes "What do you want Jacob I meeting up with Percy."

"Your still with that loser ugh dump him and go to the ball with me." 

"In your dreams" I say angrily. Just then Reyna comes up.

"Hey Annabeth whats up?" she asks. 

I look at her point my head towards Jacob and stump away to the tower.

When I get there I lay down on my bed and pull out Hogwarts a History.

I look at the clock and see its been 20 minutes.

I rush down the stairs and fly out the dorm nearly tackling Percy.

"Hey Wise Girl slow down" Percy says laughing.

"Oh sorry" I say panting.

He takes my hand and leads me to the Gryffindor tower.

"Flaming stormy sea" he says and I crack up.

"Really a combination of you, Leo, Thalia, and Jason" I say.

"Well at least its not as bad as Black Beauty Thief" he says.

I nod my head and we go inside. 

For the next few hours I beat him at Wizard Chess and help him with homework.

We head down for dinner and he is literally bouncing. 

"Calm down Seaweed Brain whats so exciting" I ask laughing.

"You'll see" and runs to the Great Hall.

Right before dinner Percy runs to the front of the hall.

"Attention Everyone I have an announcement." he says. 

Everyone quiets down. 

"Annabeth Chase will you do the honors of going to the Yule Ball with me" He says yelling.

I'm shocked 'Really Seaweed Brain'. I jump up on the bench and scream

"YES OF COURSE". Just then fireworks go off spelling out SHE SAID YES in Ancient Greek.

It was the best and supper sweet.

*Time Skip to before Yule Ball*

Currently all us girls are in my dorm room.

Piper is wearing a pretty baby blue dress. Hazel has a golden dress on. Reyna a dark purple (going solo). Katie a green dress (going with Travis). Calypso in a pretty light pink dress with flowers. Thalia in a blue dress and leather jacket (also flying solo).

I'm wearing a floor length light gray shimmery dress with sparkly shoes. 

I finish pining my hair back and put on little makeup.

We all walk down the stairs and are met outside by the boys.

Percy sticks his arm out and looks handsome as ever in his black tux with a sea green tie.

We head to the Great Hall and see how nice everyone looks.

Will wasn't able to come so Nico sticks with the solo crowd (Reyna and Thalia). 

We mingle, eat, sing, and dance the night away.

At Midnight Percy leads me outside and we take a walk in the court yard thats covered in snow.

"You know I can't wait for this 'vacation' to be over and go back to camp where I'm aloud to punch kids who hit on you" Percy says finger quoting vacation.

"I know but think of it this way we get to see whats it like to go to another country and not have to fight a war" I say leaning against him.

He grunts "Ya I guess." And we walk in silence for a while.

We head back in the castle and talk for a bit until a slow song comes on.

"May we" he says in a British accent. "We may" I say mocking him getting looks from the wizards.

We slow dance for a while and I lean my head on his chest.

At the end he kisses me. At 2 am we all head back to our dorms.

As soon as I get upstairs I change into a pair of fuzzy pj bottoms and a large shirt and fall asleep.

"Annabeth get up" Reyna screams in my ear.

I sit up groggy "what."

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!" Katie says yelling.

"come on where going to the Gryffindor common room to meet up with the others" Reyna says.

I quickly put on a comfy sweater.

When we get there I see Piper, Jason, Leo, Thalia, Nico, the Stolls, Hazel, Frank, and Calypso all sitting by the fire.

I run over to Percy and sit next to him.

After opening up all the presents and exchanging gifts.

I snuggle close to Percy and swat the blue candy out of his hands which sends Leo, Thalia, and Nico into a dive to save and eat them.

I felt happy and complete until THEY came down stairs...........

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