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The sweet bright sunlight awakened me from my deep slumber. There was still a deafening silence though just like any other morning. However, I feel a lot better today. Maybe it's because of the paper plane that I got last night. It was so cute. The owner is so thoughtful but I don't think the message was for me though. I know that no one would care for me other than my mom.

After hopping off the bed, I grabbed the paper plane and put it inside my treasure box. It is where I keep important things, especially those that managed to make me smile. Then headed to my bathroom to take a bath and got ready for school. 

Before I head to school, I decided to call my mom through WhatsApp. I hope that she isn't busy as the past few days though. She hasn't contacted me yet and I am actually kind of worried. She's in a different country after all. I don't want to think negatively but a lot of things could happen. If only I could do something, I wouldn't want her to go.

So, after a few rings, she finally answered the call. I heaved a sigh and smiled.

"Hi mom, how have you been? You didn't call the past few days." I said.

"Hi, I'm sorry sweetie. Mom has been busy the past few days because our boss had guests for a couple of days which meant more works for us to do. Don't worry though, I am absolutely fine," Mom replied.

Although she is trying hard to hide her tiredness, it was still evident in her voice. She seems to be a bit out of breath and her voice seems weak.

"Mom, are you sure? You sound like you're having difficulty breathing. Are you sure, mom? Please take care of yourself," I said worriedly. She really doesn't sound okay to me.

"It's because I just finished running an errand. I had to run to the other house to get something. That explains why I am catching my breath right now. How about you? How have you been?" Mom said and I know she was trying to change the topic. It's always been like this though. Whenever I am starting to worry about her, she changes the topic and makes me focus.

"I'm fine, mom. You don't have to worry about me. I am studying real hard so that you won't have to work there anymore."

"That's so sweet but you don't have to do it for me, okay? Do it for yourself, sweetie. By the way, how was school? Have you made some friends already? You can let them sleep over sometimes, so you won't be alone," Mom said as if she didn't know that I've been a loner ever since the world began. Every year, I think she asks me if I already have friends but she always gets the same answer.

"Mom, I still don't have friends," I said and sighed afterward. For a couple of seconds, there was silence. 

Until my mom began to speak again. "Why don't you try making friends? It's your last year in high school sweetie. You should at least have someone to hang out with."

"Mom, I honestly want to but I don't know how to. I think nobody wants to be friends with me because if there's anyone then they'd make efforts to get along with me," I replied. I know that I should do it as well, I mean making an effort to find a friend but it's just hard for me.

That's why although I am not saying it, I am actually waiting for someone to reach out to me and say that they'd like to be friends with me. I just don't do first moves, the anxiety always gets the best of me.

"Don't say that, Jennie. I'm sure there are other kids who like you. They just don't approach you. Maybe you should be the one to do so. I mean, why don't you try stepping out of your comfort zone sometimes. It's fun to have friends, I swear. The number doesn't matter, you can have even just one friend and it could be enough. What's important is that you have someone to talk to, hang out with, study with, cook with, and other stuff like that."

She's right.

"Mom, do you have a best friend?" I asked out of the blue. I just randomly got curious.

"Of course and she's still my best friend until now. I met her when we were in high school and we still contact each other sometimes." She answered. After that, I suddenly heard the doorbell ring which also made me realize that I still have to go to school. Damn, I almost forget.

"What's that? You have a parcel?" She probably heard it.

"Nope, I don't remember ordering anything. Maybe it's the bills. And mom, I think I have to end the call now, I still have to go to school."

"Oh yeah, don't be late sweetie. Take care always. Mom loves you so much."

"I love you too, mom. You should take care of your health too. Please don't push yourself too hard. Let's talk later, okay?"

"Alright, alright, bye baby." She said and I replied, "Bye mommy" before the call ended.

After the call, I decided to check who's outside. As I open the door, I swear wasn't expecting it but I saw another paper plane on the door mat. This time it was green and just like the other one, there was also a message written on it.

"Life is just like climbing a mountain. No matter how hard it is, don't give up because when you reach the top it'll all be worth it. Problems would even seem smaller because you're in a better perspective," the letter says. 

Wow, the person who made this sure is optimistic. I kind of envy them for having a mindset like this. And actually, this kind of made my day.

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