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I'm starting to assume that those paper planes are actually for me. Nah, maybe it's just a coincidence. So, before I drown in my thoughts again, I just went on my way to school, my only destination. 

When I got to my classroom, I noticed that there were only a few people inside. It's not because it's too early because it is not. I realized that we actually have PE class today. They are probably changing into their PE uniforms by now and I have to do it as well because of course I don't want to do all those stuff wearing this uniform. It would be uncomfortable that way. Besides, we won't be allowed to join the class if we don't change into our PE uniforms.

After putting my books under my desk, I decided to go to the locker room. Although I don't want to be there with a lot of people, I have no choice, after all, getting late for class is not in my plan today. And I was right, most of my classmates were already there. Some of them are just picking up their clothes from the locker, some are already done, and some are just hanging around like they're in a freaking cafeteria. They should get out, they're just making it crowded.

Whatever, it's not like I can say anything. I just sighed and headed to my locker. When u opened it, my eyes widened. What the hell?Paper plane again? Oh, no, it's not just one paper plane. There are two of them, one is red and the other one is purple. 

Seriously? I'm kind of getting freaked out, right now. Like who the hell would send me these cute little planes? I don't even have friends and I am certain that no one would like me romantically. So, what's up?

Whoever is sending me this stuff must be nuts or they are probably making fun of me. This must be a prank. They're probably bored that they think doing this to me would be fun. But if not, why?

I sighed but I still unfolded them, thinking that they have something written on them just like the rest of the planes that I got. And I was freaking right again.

The red paper plane says, "No man is an island" While the purple says, "So don't be afraid to rely on someone. Open up and let them in your life." 

Though this really seems to be a prank, they aren't wrong at all. It kind of made me realize that I've been like this for years and it shouldn't be the same. Maybe that person is right I have to start letting people in my life. Maybe, just maybe my life could be meaningful and happy. 

But how do I do that? I sighed for the nth time and put the planes inside my backpack. Then I grabbed my PE uniforms from my locker and went to change my clothes into them. Then, I headed to the gymnasium.

"Hi. You're Jennie Kim, right? I'm Jisoo but I bet you don't know me yet haha," A girl beside me suddenly said which made me flinch. Wait, is this real? Someone is really talking to me like this? Why is she talking to me and how did she know my name? Damn, why am I freaking out? I even flinched once more when she suddenly grabbed my hand and shook it. Her hand is so soft, I tell you.

"Y-yeah, I'm Jennie. H-how did you know my name?" I said stuttering because I swear this stuff is freaking me out even though it shouldn't. Well, this is the first time that someone seems to be interested in getting to know me.

"Well, I just read your name on your ID," she replied and chuckled. Oh, silly me. I forgot that everyone is wearing their ID. Idiot, for a second, I thought she really knew me. Bold of me to assume that someone like her would make an effort to get information about me though.

"Oh, right," I said and looked down, feeling so embarrassed.

"Jennie, you're my friend from now on!" She said cheerfully which took me aback. Wait, what did she just say?

"Huh? What did you say?" I mindlessly asked while looking at her. She smiled sweetly. And I realized that she's so damn pretty. I guess we just have the same height or at least one or two inches difference. Her hair is purple. When she smiles, her eyes do as well. She's just too adorable. 

"I said, you're my friend from now on. Do you not want to?" She asked. I shook my head and said, "No, I mean I would love to." I can't believe someone is finally asking me to be their friend. Is this really happening?

"What year are you born? Do you like dogs, too? What is your favorite color? Who is your favorite singer? What is your---" That was a lot of questions at the time. I couldn't keep up. I didn't expect that this girl talks too much. She's cheerful and optimistic, very opposite to my characteristics. 

"1996. Yes, I love them. I love black and pink and I'm a fan of Dua Lipa, The Weeknd, The 1975, and New West. Uhm u-unnie can you just take it slow?" I said awkwardly. I don't know things like this. I never really talked to anyone. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just get too excited like this every time I make a new friend." She said while scratching her nape.

"Which class are you from unnie?" I asked. I haven't seen her before or maybe I did, I just don't pay attention. Even my classmates, I don't know all of them yet. I mean why bother?

"I'm from class C. How about you?"

"I am from class A," I answered. "You must be very smart." I smiled awkwardly and shook my head. "No, I am just an average student."

We talked until the activities started and she had to go back to their class. It was actually nice that I now have someone to talk to. Maybe someday, I'd be able to share how I feel or what I think.

She's a good person. I can feel it. It's not bad to have a friend right? 

Paper Planes | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now