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I took a bath right after Lisa left. I prepared myself and went to the nearest grocery store to buy some soju and junk foods that we could eat while watching. 

After that, I went to Lisa's house but when I knocked on her door, no one answered. I know tons of times more but no one seems to be here. So, I'm assuming that she also went out to buy something.

Hmm, let me get Jennie first. I'll also tell her about the movie marathon in case Lisa hasn't told her yet.

"Jennie? Are you there?" I called her while knocking but no one answered too. First Lisa, now Jennie too? What are these two up to? Why can't they answer their door? Anyways, let me call her once more, maybe she just didn't hear me.

"Jennie? Anybody home?" I yelled again and waited for a response. Fortunately, I heard her saying, "I'm here! Sorry Unnie, I just got out of the bathroom. Lisa already told me about the plan. I'll just go there once I'm done."

Oh, she was in the bathroom? So that explains why she didn't hear me although I have been knocking on her door and calling her.

"Okay! See you later then," I just said before leaving. I went back to Lisa's house and I waited for her on her porch but I was taken aback when I saw her getting out from Jennie's house. What? You mean, she'd been there all this time? What is she even doing there?

Her eyes widened when she saw me. What? She's not expecting me to be here? Is she acting suspicious or I'm just putting meaning in things? Anyway, I called her and said.

"What have you been doing there? I was knocking on your door multiple things earlier only to find out that you were just there. I also knocked on Jennie's door a couple of times earlier and you didn't even try to open the door for me?" I asked her. She scratched her nape awkwardly before answering.

"Well, I was about to open the door but Jennie already answer and I also talked to her about something. So..."

I'm still not convinced but whatever it is, it's none of my business. Besides, I'm glad they get along well. So, I'm just shrugging my shoulder at them.

"Alright, now open your door so we could start setting things up," I said and dragged her in front of the door. Then she finally opened her house and we went inside.

"Unnie, just set up the TV while I cook the popcorn," she said and tossed me the remote control without a warning. Fortunately, I was able to catch it, or else, it would have landed on my forehead.

"Dude, you almost hit my head," I complained but she just shrugged her shoulders and said, "But I didn't." Then she headed to the kitchen.

I just shook my head and was about to choose a movie but I realized that Jennie was still not there. It would be rude to start without her. So, I decided to just wait for her. Besides, Lisa is still in the kitchen anyway.

Just a few moments later, Lisa finally came with a bowl of popcorn. She sat and asked, "How about Jennie? She isn't here yet?" She seems to look worried. I wonder why. It's not like Jennie's living in another city, we can just go back to the latter's house right now if we have to, after all, it's just the house next door.

Speaking of Jennie, someone suddenly knocked on the door and we knew it was Jennie. So, I saw Lisa's eyes light up. Really? I'm really sensing something here. I think there is something she hasn't told me yet. Anyway, I'll just wait for the time she'll open up.

"Let her in, Lis," I told her and she scratch her nape awkwardly before she got up. Well that was weird. Didn't I just saw her get excited when we heard a knock? Now, why is she acting like she did something wrong?

She still went to welcome Jennie though. Jennie entered the house without even saying anything. From my peripheral vision, I saw Lisa watching Jennie as the latter walks in. Something is definitely going on between this two and now I am curious although I know that I shouldn't meddle with their issues.

"Hi Jennie, I'm glad you came!" I greeted Jennie. "I already told you that I was coming, would I not?" She said and she took a seat beside me. Lisa closed the door and followed. Then she sat on a different couch.

Since we're here already, I think we should start. "What do you guys want to watch?" I asked. "Stranger Things," they said in unison which kind of surprised us.

I just and said, "Right, let's watch the new season of stranger things. I heard it was so good." So, I started playing the series on the TV. While we were watching, we were busy eating as well.

After just three episodes, we already ran out of foods and we already finished four bottles of soju. We also realized that it was almost time for lunch. I told them that I would just order something but Jennie said that we have been eating unhealthy foods already, and she insisted to cook for us.

Although we'd been there for almost five hours, the two were still not talking to each other. To be honest I can feel some tension going on here. Also, Jennie and Lisa just kept on drinking. I won't wonder if they'll be the first to get drunk.

After a couple of minutes, I heard Jennie calling me. "Unnie, can you help me here?"

"Sure, wait a moment." But before I could stand up, Lisa held my arms and told me she'll go. So, I just shrugged my shoulders and continue watching. I waited for them to come back here or call me if we are already going to eat but it's already been a couple of minutes and they were still there. I wonder what's taking them so long.

I tried to focus on watching but I suddenly heard something break from the kitchen so I hurriedly went to check on them. And I saw that Jennie look so stunned while Lisa was trying to pick up the broken glasses.

"Hey, Jennie are you alright?" I worriedly ask her.

"N-nothing, I mean I'm fine," she then shook her head. I noticed something. 

"Jennie, what's that red thing on your neck?" I asked and for some reason, Lisa suddenly stopped what she was doing and she looked at Jennie as well.

The latter immediately covered her neck with her hand and said, "It's probably an insect bite." Well that doesn't look like an insect bite to me but maybe my eyes are just messing with so, the insect it is.

Then Lisa continued picking up the broken glasses. I got worried so I said, "Lisa stop that, you might get hurt. Jen, please get a broom." Jennie nodded and left to get a broom.

After cleaning up, we ate lunch and mind you both of them were still silent the whole time. They're really acting so weird. I swear something is going on between them.

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