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"No I'm not, you idiot," I denied and looked away. No matter how much I look like a red tomato, I would never admit that I am blushing.

"I was just kidding Nini, you're so cute when you get angry." And she had the guts to laugh at me. I am already so ashamed, Lalisa.

"Idiot," I mumbled and she just laughed. That wasn't a good joke though, it really wasn't.

"Hey, you two! Where were you? I've been looking for you." That was Jisoo unnie. She went to us and she was panting.

"We should be the one asking you that," Lisa said as her right brow slightly raised. Right, I was just in the rest room and Lisa was literally just sitting on the bench. It wouldn't be hard for her to find us if she just looked properly.

"What do you mean? I was just inside. When I finish paying for the things I bought, that's when I realized that you guys were missing. So, I kind of panicked because I thought you ditched me." She said while scratching her nape.

"Why would we do that?" Lisa chuckled.

"Who knows, maybe you decided to go on a date with just the two of you," Jisoo said and shrugged her shoulder. Me, on the other hand, choked all of a sudden. What the hell is she talking about? And why am I being like this? I guess I'm just overreacting.

"Yah, cut it off Chu." Lisa said while giving Jisoo a meaningful look. I just shrugged it off and asked, "Now, where are we going?"

Jisoo held her chin as if she was trying to think of something. Then she looked at us and said, "Oh, I remember I said we're going to the cinema. Do you want to go, Lis? Jennie and I already agreed but if you don't want to, maybe we could try something else."

"No, cinema is a good idea. Did you think of a good movie to watch already?" Lisa asked.

"Not yet," I answered.

"Alright, I'll be the one to choose but don't worry I'll choose a good one. Just trust me," she replied with a suspicious grin. Honestly, with that sinister look, I don't trust her.

And so the three of us headed to the cinema. Lisa was the one who bought the tickets while Jisoo and I bought popcorns and cola. We have no idea what the movie Lisa chose was all about. We just shrug it off since we trust her choice.

On the seats, Lisa was in the middle, Jisoo was on her left while I was at the right. Oh, I forgot to say that instead of buying some popcorn Jisoo of course bought her beloved chicken but I did buy popcorn but I forgot to buy for Lisa. That was totally so dumb of me.

"I'm so sorry, you can have it," I said apologetically. She already bought our tickets and the only thing I could treat her was popcorn yet I still didn't manage to get her some. I'm so stupid.

"No Nini, it's fine. We can just share it," she said and smiled, giving me the assurance that it was totally fine to her.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded and said, "It's good for two after all." And she's actually right. So, I didn't insist anymore. Besides, I know she wouldn't back down.

Just a couple of seconds later, the movie begun playing and everyone inside became silent. Honestly, I have a bad feeling about it.  It's just the beginning yet it already feel a bit eerie or am I just overreacting things.

"What movie did you choose?" I whispered on Lisa's ear. I noticed her flinch but she then cleared her throat and smirked before saying, "Just watch, it's going to be fun."

And how is it going to be fun? Wait, I think I know where this is going. Don't tell me it's a horror movie. Dumbass, of course it is!

"Who chose this movie???" I whispered just enough for the three of us to hear. 

"Itsh Mwisa," Jisoo replied still munching the chicken. I don't think she's even watching the movie. She's so fixated on her food, my gosh.

"Why?" Lisa asked innocently. She's asking me why? Doesn't she know that I can't watch horror movies? Of course, she doesn't.

"I-I.. Nevermind." 

It's just a movie anyway. It's just a movie Jennie, what's happening there isn't true and the entities there aren't real. Oh my gosh the nun is being chased by the demon! W-what is she gonna do with that rope. T-the cross turned upside down and...

"Wahhhh!" I screamed and I hide on the person beside me. 

I heard someone laughing. It's Jisoo, eh? Damn she's laughing at us. Then I realized I was hugging Lisa tightly and I was hiding my face on her neck. 

W-what have I done? I immediately got back and seated normally again. Damn, I'm still a little scared. I'm shuddering but then I suddenly felt hand held mine. I flinched at first but it was warm, making me feel at ease. I looked at Lisa and she smiled. Then she leaned over.

"Nini, I'm sorry I didn't know you hate horror. But don't worry I'll hold your hand to make you feel at ease okay? I'm just here no need to be scared," she whispered.

Her hot breath striking on my neck makes me shudder not because of fear but because of something I couldn't explain. My stomach felt funny but not in a bad way.

I just nodded. Just like what she said she held my hand until the movie end. There were times that she would hug me when I scream. That is actually not necessary but I admit it, I liked it. It made me feel different emotions and I am fucking confused right now. What is she doing to me? 

It's a good thing that Jisoo didn't notice since she's too busy with her chickens or maybe she did but her, being silent about it is  saving me from embarrassment.

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