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Today is Saturday which means no classes. I'm glad that I didn't have to wake up early but I don't have anything to do today so I'll probably just get bored all day. Besides, I'll probably won't see Jennie.

Oh wait, I can. She's just my neighbor so I can just knock on her door anytime just like what she said. Now, how would I spend this day? Hmm, how about movie marathon? I should invite Jennie and Jisoo to watch movies. We can cook popcorn and order foods, that would be fun.

Before I tell them, I decided to take a bath first. I don't want to look like a mess in front of them later. As soon as I finished getting ready, I cleaned the house thoroughly although I do this rarely. Well, the house must be presentable since Jennie's coming over. I have to impress her y'know.

When everything's fine, I quickly ran to Jisoo's place to invite her. I knocked three times and the door open revealing my messy unnie who probably just woke up.

"What brings you here, dumbass?" she asked.

"Unnie come over to my place, we're going to have a movie marathon," I said excitedly. She paused for a while as if she was trying to think about it. Then she finally said, "Alright, I'm just going to take a bath and I'll immediately go there. Now go away."

"So, that's why you stink!" I covered my nose and teased her. She just rolled her eyes and said, "For your information, I never stinked."

"Alright, alright, just see you later. I'll also go see and Jennie about our plan." She didn't say something, instead she just nodded and shooed me away. Then I left and headed to Nini's house.

I hope she'll join us. Damn, I'm crossing my fingers right now.

When I got there, I knocked on the door couple of times but she doesn't seem to hear it. I knocked more yet she's still not opening it. I mindlessly twisted the door knob and to my surprise, it wasn't locked. I wasn't expecting that.

How could a lady like her leave a door unlocked? What if bad guys try to break in. This girl isn't thinking. I just sighed and entered, I swear I won't do anything. I'll just tell her about our plan to have a movie marathon today.

"Nini, I'm inside! Sorry for intruding!" I said trying to inform her. She still didn't answer though.

Where even is she?

In fairness, her house is so clean and well organized. I noticed that it is mostly composed of two colors, black and pink. I am guessing it's her favorite color. It's so quiet here. As a curious person, I just explored her house some more.

I saw a big picture hanging on the wall. It's a family picture. They look so happy their even the little Nini. Aw, she so cute since birth and she looks exactly like her mom.

That's the only picture where I saw her dad. He's a good looking man as well. If only he's still alive, Jennie is probably happy now and her mom wouldn't need to work abroad and leave her alone here. Aigoo, sir why did you leave so early?

"Jennie?" I called her again while I walking into a random room. It's not locked too, so I entered. It's so cozy in here, the color which is light blue made it even more comfortable. It's like I'm on the sky. Oh, there's a picture on her beside table. It was her and her mom. She's smiling here, a genuine smile. I never saw her smile like this.

Did I just said bedside table? Bed, so this is a bedroom. Wait what? This is Jennie's bedroom? I-I'm inside her room! Oh my gosh, this is so rude of me. I'm invading her privacy! I have to get out of here.

I was about to get out but another door suddenly opened and Jennie came out wearing only a towel around her body. I-I fucked up.

'Lisa look away!'

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