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Jeon Jungkook

I messaged Lisa but I didn't get any reply from her. I have waited for her reply kept looking on my phone ever and anon but I got nothing. Did Rose gave me the right number? Well, I don't know if she gave me a different number. She was contemplating when I asked for Lisa's number narrowing her eyes on me like she's thinking of something fishy. I just told her that I will just apologize to what happened at the parking lot, well I lied because Lisa already forgave me. She bought my excuses. I don't want to tell her the real reason, let alone Taehyung knowing it— and it was a big risk.

I wanted to call her but I don't think it's necessary. I got worried just hearing from Rose that she was sick. She seems pretty well that night before she got sick. I sighed maybe she doesn't have load to reply back. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. Couldn't wait to see her hoping she will be present at school. I felt that this was the longest day ever.

I smiled widely when I saw her seat talking to Rose and Jimin. I'm still here on the front door when someone draped his arm on my shoulder.

"What's with the wide smile?" Taehyung asked tracing where my eyes bored into. "Oh, the girl who made my bestfriend whipped is here. I see now why you're smiling from ear to ear"

"Don't be too loud" I hit his chest. The smiled on my face couldn't fade away.

"Stop staring, she'll melt. C'mon!" We went to our seats.

As we settle down Taehyung greeted Lisa and she greeted him back. I greeted her too and asked if she was okay now. She hummed a yes not looking at me. I felt envy with Taehyung because she looked at him while me, she seemed distance but atleast she didn't ignore my question even its just a hummed answer. Way cheering yourself up Jeon.

I found her sitting alone on the rooftop. I didn't know she was staying here too. This is my safe place or comfort zone when trying to relax and wanted to be alone. I went near her and there she was earphone on her ear, closed eyes. I smiled staring at her. She seemed drown to the music coz she didn't notice me. I leaned on the wall still my eyes on her, I couldn't take of. I don't want to disturb her. She opened her eyes and widen it when she realize my presence. "Hi" I greeted. She stood up immediately.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"Hmm... I always go here on my free time. You seemed indulge to the music so I didn't disturb you" I scratched my nape.

"Okay, I will be leaving now" she's about to leave when I shouted.

"No!" She looked back "I mean—ahmm— I want to ask if— Do you received my message? Uhmm.. you didn't reply so I'm thinking if Rose gave me a wrong number" I became a stuttering mess.

"Yes I did received a message but I didn't know its you. I don't replied to an. unknown number" she said coldly with an emotionless face

"Oh, that's explain"

"If that's all I'll take my leave now"

I opened my mouth but no words came out. Cat bit my tounge. I smiled like an idiot knowing she received my message. She didn't ignore me on purpose. To think of, why I didn't told her its me? I'm too excited to text her so I forgot— so stupid of me. I chuckled.

"Hi Lisa, it's me Jungkook. Sorry for not intoducing myself yesterday 🙃"

"Hope you're fine now 😊"

"Did I disturb you on the rooftop. If so, sorry I didn't mean to"

"Well, you suddenly wanted yo leave so I thought I disturb you"

"What music are you listening? Coz you look into it. Hehe"

"I'm sorry if I keep messaging you. Just wanted to be friends with you. Are you okay with it?"

Do I look pathetic? She didn't reply on any of my messages. Maybe she don't have load. Or she really ignoring me. Don't think too much Jeon. I ruffled my hair.

"I'm done playing!" Jimin said putting down the controller harshly.

"You got no jam" Taehyung teased.

Friday routine, playing overwatch in my condo. This became our habit instead of clubs wasting yourself with alcoholic drinks. Not our kind of thing. I get some snacks and put it on the center table. Jimin browsing some movie on netflix. I sat down beside Taehyung, I look for my phone hoping some message but none. Then I heard Taehyung's laugh while looking on his phone.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked

"Heol, your girl is so funny" he blabbered. What? I don't get it.


"Lisa" he's texting Lisa

"You're texting her?" I asked with a bit of jealousy.

"Dont worry Kook, I will not steal her from you and besides you have her number too and bet you're messaging each other" I am the only one messaging her, she didn't mesage me not even once. I am hurt. It pricked my hear but I hide my sadness. I don't want them to know how fool I am. I couldn't say something thanks Jimin for beating me asking me if I like Lisa but I didn't want to answer his question but I did with silence.

"I knew it! The way you look at her, you were so obvious. So what's the deal now? Are you texting each other?" He excitedly asked.

"I'm too shy to message her" I lied. Suppressing myself to cry.

"What a coward" Jimin said. "Don't you know? There's so many guys admiring her" I scrunched my face looking confuse. "Lisa is a pretty girl, smart and talented so its Not possible that she has a lot of admirer"

"That's why work fast Kook if you want to be with her" Taehyung added.

I suddenly felt competitive. I will not let anyone be with Lisa unless its me but my confidence depreciate when I remember her cold shoulder to me. Do I have a chance? You wouldn't know if you will not try. So Jeon Jungkook, try first before you give up. Fighting!

"Goodnight Lis"

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