chapter 8

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I woke up in a car. I couldn't see a thing, it was pitch black.

I move my hands around trying to feel my way to the door. There has to be a way out of here. I feel a small object. I reach out to grab it but the car makes a sharp turn making me loose my grip and bounce back hitting the side of the car.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. I ignore the pain and continue looking for the object. I search all around but nothing. I go back to looking for the car door and step on something.

I found it. I pick it up and trail my finger around it. Definitely a knife. The car comes to a stop. I quickly hide the knife in my boot and sit down where I was before. The car door opened and a man drags me out of the car making me fall on the hard ground. He grabs my shirt and pulls me up. We were in the middle of a forest where there is only one building.

"Walk." he growls giving me a push towards the building.

I didn't know what to do. He is stronger, faster, and has powers, so I was left with no choice but to do what he says.........or not.

I pull out the knife and stab him just under his ribs. He pushes me and I hit a tree making me fall to the ground. I get up and run hoping to find my way out of here. I keep running and running even though I have no idea where I'm going.

He didn't follow me, but that didn't stop me. I ran until I was out of the woods and into a small town. I looked around realizing this isn't the one that Crawford brought me to. This one wasn't as scary. Still a bit gloomy but it doesn't matter. I look back and let out a breath of relief when I don't see the man.

I hope his wound won't let him get far.

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