Chapter 2

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I woke up in my bed, with a new set of clothes and a heat pack on my forehead. I sat up, shivering. Shiro walked in and pushed me back down.
"Jeez keith what the hell were you thinking?" he said softly.
"This time was different okay? You might have gotten hypothermia from the rain!" He said, fluffing my pillow. It was pretty stupid of me, though, I didn't actually know i was going to fall asleep there.
"it just sort of happened."
"Idiot" he said, hand on my face. His eyes looked into my soul which was something I hated, until his warm embrace left, which I suddenly missed. He was mad again.
"You're still cold, how is that even possible?" he asked leaving the room. He was more talking to himself than me, so I decided not to respond as he fetched another blanket. I needed to pull myself together. I felt like crap that I had talked to Lance. I wasn't sure why, but something inside me was telling me it was wrong. Maybe it was guilt. I rolled over in anger and slept.
When I awoke next, it was morning. I had to get up and clean my room that I had messed up two days ago and went to my bathroom to get ready.
I walked to school slowly, still wondering why the boy with the blue eyes was still in my brain. I probably just wasn't used to talking to people.
Or it could be that he was a weirdo who followed me. Either way, I brushed him to the side of my thoughts and I quickened my pace to get to school on time.
In class, I opened my book and started looking over the project I'd have to do with him. Just then a new student walked into the room.
I was surprised to see his face. Everyone knew of him even me, and that's saying something. I don't remember his name, but that white long hair is a look only he rocks. What was it again? Liam? Logan?
"This is a new student joining Voltron high, his name is Lotor" oohhh Lotor. I looked at him for a bit longer, then lost interest as he talked about his previous school. Everyone already knew.
He was the soccer, and basketball player at his old school, our rivals. I felt his eyes on me as he spoke, but I refused to look up. When I finally did I locked eyes with him. He was smirking at me. It was kind of sketchy.
I looked away as my face turned pale and I pretended I was doing something. Out of instinct I started drawing. It was frantic strokes, and when I looked at the final image I saw my dog Kosmo.
I never really knew what I was drawing, I would just go and see what happened. Usually I was too caught up in my thoughts.

When the bell rang I got up and rushed out of the room to see Lance again. My heart skipped, which I ignored, and just pretended it didn't happen as I went to walk by him. He unexpectedly started talking to me.
"Hey what's up mullet?" he said. What?! No he didn't
"I don't have a mullet!" I said stamping my foot a bit. I bet I looked like a child. Retreat. He smiled a bit
"I know, but now I'm gonna call you that" he said, walking past me. I was hot on his trail when I said.
"Don't. And why would you even need to call me something don't call me anything, if you're gonna call me-"
"Then I guess I'd need your number" he said cutting me off. He knew that was smooth, so he winked at me.
"Cheesy" I said.
"Well what else would you want from me, you are following me" he said. I realised I had been doing what I so despised him doing the day before and I blushed.
He started laughing.
"Relax, I've had my fun. I need your number for the project though" he said, extending his hand for my phone.
Still flustered, I handed it to him and looked away. He laughed a bit through his nose and started typing. When he handed it back, I quickly turned away and started walking in the other direction. I felt a hand on my shoulder and i flinched. I spun around and saw Lance's face again.
"Hey, can you come sit with me and my friends?" he asked sincerely. I hesitated. I tried shutting him out
"It's my friends and I" I said bitterly. HE only laughed at my attempt and pulled my hand. When we were at his friends' table I was incredibly uncomfortable outside my comfort zone. Pidge spoke first.
"Hey Lance... and oh hey Keith" she said returning to her robot.
"Lance let him go he looks so discombobulated!" Hunk said. Lace turned and saw my face, which well, hunk wasn't wrong. I was in panic mode.
"Oh jeez, sorry" he said letting go of my hand. The butterflies left with it, which was a start to getting back to normal.
"Well, sit down" Hunk said. I obeyed, and kept my hands in my lap, looking at them.
"Is he okay?" Lance asked.
"Yeah, he's always been antisocial. He's fine he just needs a minute" Pidge said, turning back to her machine.
"Oh" Lance said. "So is it like a disease or-"
"Lance!" hunk said.
"Sorry." my face was red.
"Social anxiety, haven't you ever heard if it?" Pidge said, making fun of lance. I felt incredibly awkward that this entire time they were talking about me in front of me. I guess I could've been apart of the conversation if I wanted.
"So do you like die whenever you have to talk?"
And I did not want to. I kept to myself until Pidge spoke to me again.
"So how've you been Keith, it's been awhile." she said. "How are you holding up.
"Better than I used to be" I answered honestly.
"I'm lost" Lance said in the background.
"Is Matt doing okay?" I said.
"Yeah, he finished that new computer we were talking about"
"Oh cool" I said beginning to relax a bit.
"I'm still lost" lance said.
"Guess what, I got a calorimeter" she said perking up in her chair a bit.
"Really? How?" she always had loved the study of heat.
"Just a lot of begging for a really long time... How's Kosmo?"
"He misses you" I said cracking the slightest smile.
"I don't like being lost" lance said.
"I'm not going to lie, I kind of forgot about you"
"I know.. I don't blame you. I know how hard that must be"
"I've always been there for you." she said, eyes filled with warmth. I remembered it so vividly. Me turning away from her, leaving her all alone. Leaving myself all alone.
"How could you be?" I asked
"Do you even know what the last 'F" in BFFs is?" she said smirking. We both started laughing, and she reached across the table and hugged me abruptly.
"I'm so glad to see you feeling better" She said. I was never a hugger, but I hesitantly lifted my arms around her and held her tight. The moment didn't last long because of Lance again speaking.
"INCLUDE ME" we all started laughing, and for a minute, I didn't hate school.

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