Chapter 3

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Lance POV
The next day, before school, I ran into my parents bedroom and yelled.
"Happy birthday Mama!" before rushing out the door to get to school on time. I walked in, excited to talk about the project with Keith, he hasn't texted me at all yesterday, which I couldn't say I was surprised. My plan seemed to be working. I was getting him into my life, whether i had to literally drag him into it or not.
I walked into class confindelty and saw a new face. Oh wait. Not a new face. I knew this face all too well. Lotor. He was on the basketball team for our rival school. He would constantly cheat, and somehow get away with it.

I hope he wouldn't be trying out for the team this year. I looked at him and glared. He laughed seeming to recognize me.
"Hello Lance" he said. Damn accent acting like he's proper and shi- "how are you?"
"Fine" I said crossing my arms. "So what's with the school change up? Too many lies catching up with you there?" i asked. He laughed again and said

"No no... I just came solely to mess with your life and try out for the team because I hate you" he said sarcastically. People around us that were paying attention laughed at his joke, and I turned slightly away from him.
"Sorry, you're right, I came on a little strong" I said, remembering mama's words to always be kind. He smirked, knowing he had the upper ground and said
"Don't worry, you're not my type anyways." I turned red and glared at him. He stood up when Keith entered the room. I along with everyone else turned to see what caught his attention and when it was Keith I got more protective. I kept my mouth shut as he looked at everyone.

Keith looked confused and it was so adorable. Lotor was about to approach him when I took my chance.
"Hey Keith!" I said loudly and waving. I repeated in my head over and over silently hoping Keith wouldn't be moody and flip me off or something, but thankfully from all the people staring at him, he found comfort in my greeting and waved.
It seemed everyone was waiting for a response from him and suddenly everyone looked back over to Lotor, including me. I wiped my head around to face him with a fat smile plastered on my face. He glared at me and turned away. Before he did he said
"Keith huh, thanks for giving me his name" I felt my fists clench as I stormed off to my seat, glaring at Lotor when I sat down. He was speaking with the teacher.

I expected to be in a bad mood all day until I felt a light tug at my shirt. My heart melted as I turned and saw Keith's adorable face looking up at me.
"Are you okay?" he asked. His eyes were so big, and I completely had forgotten why I was mad in the first place.
"I am now" i said. He let go of my sleeve and slightly blushed. So cute. I chuckled a bit and opened my book.
"Okay, let's get started"
I walked out of class and Keith left to go do something. I met up with my friends and we talked for a bit before I couldn't hold in my curiosity any longer.
"Pidge, what were you guys talking about yesterday?!"
"You and Keith."
"yeah , I'm also pretty curious" Hunk said.
"I don't know..."
"Come on it's fine"Hunk said, supportingly giving her a hug. She sighed.
"Alright" We listened in eagerly. "You guys know we were pretty close in middle school"
"Yeah" Hunk said.
"Well, when Keith's dad died, and he became an orphan, it was really hard on him" It was silent for a bit.
"His dad? That must be terrible" Hunk said. We all mentally pictures our parents and had a newfound appreciation for them. "So what happened to him?"
"Well, Like I said, he's always been antisocial, that wasn't new. It just spun out of control. He shut everyone out, moved in with his brother Shiro, and that was that" she said, thinking back.
"How bad was it?" I asked
"Keith was really close with his dad and Shiro. He really only liked to let in a few people, I happened to be one of them. When his dad passed, he couldn't really shut out shiro, though I bet he tried, and he shut me out too. I couldn't ever blame him for it"
"Makes sense" Hunk said.
"Yeah" i said. We sat for a bit, not talking. Unil Pidge spoke again.
"Where's keith anyway?" she asked.
"He said he needed to do something" I said brushing it aside.
"Something about math I didn't know" i said. She looked a little more panicked.
"What did he have to do?"
"Why does it matter so much?" I asked.
"If it has to do with math then I need to know." she said.
"He had to go 'do some math'. I assumed it was just homework"
"Oh shit" she said getting up. We both followed her out the door asking questions. She reached the school office and called a number she had memorised.
We waited in silence as it rang.
"Hey shiro, It's me Pidge... yeah it has been... I'm good, but listen... you need to pick up Keith now... I don't know but we're going to find him. Yeah, just drive over and we'll have him at the front of the school by then. Okay... see you soon..... Bye" she hung up, thanked the secretary in the office and pulled us along with her.
"Okay we need to find him. Game plan-"
"What the heck is going on!" Hunk said.
"Keith's having a panic attack somewhere in the school." She said nonchalantly. We shared a look.
"He always uses the same excuse. He's a terrible liar. He should go home, but we first have to find him." she said.
"Where would we even look?" I said, starting to stress over the amount of school we'd have to search in the short amount of time.
"Hunk, art room-"
"Got it" he said.
"Lance, check all the boys bathrooms"
"I'll look at all the other places he would otherwise go" she said taking out her phone.
"Any luck and call each other." she said.
"Aaaand break!" Hunk said trying to lighten
the mood. Pidge laughed but I only had one thing on my mind. Where is that boy?
Haaaaa I'm sorry for writing this I'm just goofing off. If anyone likes it I have the other chapters let me know if u want me to continue ;)

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