2. 둘💐 you dislike me.

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"Know your place, babe."
Taehyung lastly says in a smug tone and turns on his heels, away from her, and then says a loud "come on" gesturing for the guys to follow him and leave her alone. On the ground. With her belongings all over the floor.

Jeongguk let out an angry huff, carefully helping herself to stand up. She dusted off her skirt and pulls the sticker off of her face and then smashed it, recklessly.

She saw Taehyung not far away from where she stood, so she looked at the smashed sticker and then without thinking twice angrily threw it at Taehyung, aiming for his head.

Jeongguk totally didn't regret what she did when she saw the sticker fall to the ground, and Taehyung slowly turning to look at her with a death stare.

To which she returned with the same glare.


The next day, however, thankfully went better,

or so she thought.

Taehyung didnt visit her and Jins house today, and she was incredibly grateful for not seeing his presence at 5 in the morning like last time. Because, now, she can reach to the school at ease and peace. (Wow that rhymed)

However, when she had just arrived at the entrance of the school, she couldn't miss out but hear familiar voices and laughs being approached near her.

Jeongguk looked up from her phone to see where and whos voices they belonged to, to clarify, but, as expected, it was no other than the guys she wished to not see.

The guys from yesterday.

Including Kim Taehyung as well.

Jeongguk tried, she really did, ignoring their laughs by turning on her headphones, playing a random, any song that popped out on her screen, she began walking away as quickly as possible.
But, to no avail, they were just too goddamn loud.

Even her songs couldn't block their noises.

When the guys reached and walked past her, in between she couldve sworn that she felt Kim Taehyungs strong gaze burning holes at her. Completely staring.

But She shook her head, shrugging off, thinking that its just her imagination.

es, must be...
But  swear i felt it.

She looked back at her phone and mindlessy entered facebook.

But what she witnessed just seconds after made her almost scream.

The first thing to pop up in the news feed was her freaking face! Her face! She almost shit her pants from the unexpected attack and surprise.

However, the situation only got worse when she recognized this scene.
It was a video of her.
It was taken yesterday.
It was when Taehyung harshly placed a sticker on her forehead, to which caused her to fall after.

Her eyes widened, and she felt herself gritting her teeth,
One of the guys filmed this...
Jeongguk thought, mad.
Her mind was about to blow up, knowing this humiliating video was now on the social network media where everyone to see, the whole school to see.

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