5. 다섯💐pretty tonight.

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Taehyung felt freedom for the first time in a while.

Taking a deep breath he felt like not remembering anything. Felt freedom. Not a bit of care to the world. Felt like he could be himself, and mainly stop pretending.

Wishing this kind of moment to never end.

Suddenly...he don't remember his friends, not remembering the judging issue, not exactly remembering in what kind of situation he was at, right now.

Until someone, just had to scream out for his name, forcing him to wake up out of his trance, which only caused him to almost fall over from the bike to the floor.

Quickly a thought that jeongguk was riding him came into his mind, so he, as far as he could, gained his balance and walked away from her.

Thankfully he regained balance in time.

"Are you going tomorrow night?"
Baekhyun suddenly questioned loudly, with a smile plastered on his lips as he eyed the younger male, approaching him, who was panting from a not long ago small panic attack.

Jeongguk looked from afar at the guys, where Taehyung abandoned her with a blank expression on her face. However on the inside, she thought:
I wish he could have stayed longer....
She sighed aloud, shooking her head side to side.
What am i even thinking?
She thought, tsking to get rid of the unwanted thoughts.

Then their, Taehyung and Jeongguks eyes unexpectedly met for a split second. Not like any other days, she felt Taehyung looking at her from afar sincerely, looking almost a bit....disturbed? And a bit apologetic, if she could add. A look as if he didnt want to be around his friends....

However! maybe jeongguk was just over thinking, it couldnt be so....it cant be. Because for Taehyung, his reputation and friends meant everything.

Completely everything till he would push away his loved one just for some kind of stupid childish reputation.

What could jeongguk expect? Taehyung was indeed childish. He puts his fame in the first place in anything.
Jeongguk, basically...
meant nothing to him.

Or at least thats what jeongguk hoped for...


"Hmm...what were they talking about? What will happen tommorow night?" jeongguk spoke to herself inside her room, remembering the not long ago scenario, walking back and forth, trying to figure out what was this about, and what they were discussing about back there.

She checked her instagram, to her surprise no one talked anything about "tomorrow night" which only added to her curiousity more. She should have stayed at her spot back then and listen to their conversation longer.

And now she regrets.

"Hmmm...were they planning on smoking? Or worst...steal girls- what? No, no that can't be....wait. What if that's true? OH MY GOD! Are they planning on stealing young girls and sale their organs-
what the fck, jeongguk?"
Jeongguk suddenly snapped out of her worry with furrowed brows.
Thats messed up...they wont do such a thing. Maybe i should contact Yoonji and ask her if she knows about this? She prolly does...she knows everything what happens at school.

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