3. 셋💐 just with you I'm different.

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The next morning reached quiet fast, and Jeongguk found herself seated in a small cafe near her school, at a time of lunch break. All alone. In peace ( at least she hoped so).

She wasn't sure what she was feeling at the moment as she kept harshly stabbing her sandwich and burger with the fork, lost her appetite. Jeongguks mind was clouded by so many thoughts, like chaos. One of them being that she broke her one and only bicycle, which she owned. The one who broke it being a certain guys gang, and himself.

Jeongguk stared at her food in silence, the background filled with laughters and voices she could not focus on, just not long ago she was really hungry to eat this burger, but now it doesn't look much appealing as it did before, causing her to just stare into space.

She wasn't sure why.

Jeongguk was too caught up in her own thoughts, that she didnt even notice how  Taehyung suddenly entere the cafe, looking aroud at everyone with a death glare as if already aware that Jeongguk would be here, in meaning for them to get lost, seemingly close to chose a fighter. But he was only doing this so he could save for himself some privacy with Jeongguk. Privacy...

When everyone for feared and left, only then Jeongguk looked up in wonder as to why the long ago loud noises slowed down, just to see what was happening.

But what she least expected was to be met with a pair of concerned eyes just inches away staring daggers at her. Out of all people, it could only be no other than Kim Taehyung...

The said boy still had his eyes on her as he quietly took a seat next to her.

Jeongguk sighed, pretty loud. Showing off how dissatisfied she was from the olders precence. She pushed away her food to the side, gently, and then crosses her arms to her chest. Not making eye contact with the boy seated just right beside her.

"What do you need?"
Jeongguk asks, clearly disstressed , Taehyung noticed.

When the girl asked that Taehyung was oddly quiet,

Not receiving any answers as she expected, Jeongguk tried reaching for the ketchup, however somehow the ketchup looked really far away, and she was failing on grabbing it. Her hands not long enough to reach for it, looking at the adorable scene Taehyung couldnt help but force a genuine chuckle out, do something, kim he spoke to himself, this is your chance to act like a hero, then he grabs the ketchup with ease, since it was nearer to him, and gets it for her.

Jeongguk was furrowing hard, but nevertheless was about to mumble a quick meaningless thanks but apparently taehyung wasn't finished yet.
He opens the burgers bread for her and then applies a good amount of ketchup on top, just like how she wanted.

Jeongguk was surprised to say the least, wow, kim taehyung really did that, huh? So she forced out smile in return towards Taehyung.
Suddenly...she noticed that she was regaining her appetite back.

Seeing how jeongguk took a bite of the food, an off feeling caused in Taehyungs stomach.

He stared at her eating.

After a while, when jeongguk saw in the corner of her eyes how the older was eyeing her creepily, she coughed, caught him staring with a raised brow. Then she gave him a look that says "stop staring. Its creepy." when the older caught the idea, he nodded embarrassedly and turns away quickly.

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