Chapter 24

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Nandini POV

" He should have at least tasted the food I prepared for him. I know he got married recently but that does not mean he would just forget about us. You came after so long. He should have spend some time with you and the kids. I know I may seem selfish but Radhika will be there everyday and you will go one day and then I don't know when will you come back." I said to Samaira who was just looking outside the window.

" Mom you can come anytime you want to. Well it's good he took Radhika with him, I wanted to talk to you." Samaira said and I can feel she was very distracted and was not taking any heed to what I was saying. I will deal with Arjun and Radhika later. Right now Samaira needs me.

" Neil's mom is not well, she is with her daughter right now. Doctor's have given their word that she may not live long now. Neil wants to spend sometime with his mom. But you know right his mother has dementia and her behavior has become very isolated. Like she does not remember us and just wanders around aimlessly. If she is to stay with us I have to take care of her so that she may not harm herself. But the problem here is Ayaan is too young and Aman is just two years old. I think I cannot look after all of them together. But if I say this to Neil he will not like it. He would feel that I am just making reasons to not to keep her." Samaira explained her situation to me.

" Its very simple problem if you ask me. Don't say no to your mother in law. Let Neil handle that...." Samaira cut me off even before I could complete my sentence.

" Mom I just now explained you that I cannot keep her, the kids are just too young for me to handle all the three of them." I could feel desperation in her voice.

" Let me complete first. And listen to me very carefully. Let Neil make plans to bring his mom and you do your work. Just give a little leniency to the kids so that they do mischief. Neil will eventually understand." I said.

" Even without giving them leniency they do mischief mom. And Neil knows that. I don't hate his mom but right now I cannot take care of her." Samaira said disheartened.

" This is what you are not understanding. Let them do a big mischief a little bit too frequently." Then Samaira nodded in understanding but still unsure.

As we were still discussing I heard someone coming inside. Surprised would be an understatement when I saw Arjun and Radhika coming inside. I thought they were going to stay the night in the hotel.

Radhika POV

When we reached the hotel I asked Arjun if we can go back. I had this feeling that Nandini Aunty did not feel good about us leaving.

" Why what happened? You are not feeling good here?" Arjun asked with a frown on his face. I did not wanted to disheartened him.

" Everything is perfect. Today's dining the marriage preparations the reception decorations and the dresses were all next to perfect. I loved each and every moment with you." I said to him sincerely. He looked after my comfort in everything. I feel lucky.

" So why do you want to go back?" Arjun asked confused.

" Let's spend sometime with your sister she is going back in two days. And also whatever you were planning we have our own room as well." I said teasingly. After spending so much time with him I felt very comfortable and free with Arjun. Though I felt shy later on.

" You will not feel bad? I remember someone said the first few days of marriage are precious." Arjun asked again. And I can feel he wanted to make everyone happy.

" It depends on us if we want to keep our first few days of marriage precious or the whole married life precious." I said remembering my mother's words. These were the words my mom said to Riddhima when she came back crying just after a week of her marriage.

I was lost in the memory that I did not realize that Arjun pulled me into his chest.

" I am very happy to have you in my life Radhika. Thank you so much." Arjun gave me such a beautiful smile and I started feeling giddy.

" Let's go and surprise Samaira. Let's grab her favorite ice cream. By the way what is your favorite ice cream?...."

While enjoying the moment of understanding and ice cream we reached home.

Even after thinking about it I felt, did I do the right thing. What if the decision I took was wrong. Should I be a little selfish. But I kept my negative thoughts aside and smiled at Nandini Aunty and Samaira.

" What a pleasant surprise." Samaira said. I don't know why I feel that she was upset about something but I brushed it.

We enjoyed the ice cream and chit chat. The kids were already sleeping when we arrived.

Then Samaira wanted to talk to Arjun privately so they went inside and I was sitting with Nandini Aunty.

" So what other plans have you decided with Arjun apart from today's dinner?" Nandini Aunty asked out of nowhere.

" I did not decide anything. Arjun did not even asked me before planning this dinner." I said. I felt a little irritated but I thought maybe she did not knew.

As I said I saw Arjun and Samaira coming laughing about something. I also felt the relieve in Samaira's eyes. Maybe whatever her problem was has been solved.

" Arjun what is this that you did not even ask Radhika what she wanted to do and planned everything alone. She also has right to plan to how to spend her time. Next time ask Radhika first." Nandini Aunty said in such a way that I felt that she was accusing Arjun on my behalf.

" What do you mean? It was a surprise for Radhika..." Arjun said with a confused face.

" Radhika said that you did not even ask her. I am just saying plan together so that she will not feel left out. You know what I mean." I cannot believe the way Nandini Aunty manipulate my words in front of Arjun. I could see hurt in Arjun's eyes.

" I did not mean it that way Arjun. Nandini Aunty is too good to think about me. The surprise was awesome and as I told you earlier everything was next to perfect. I could have never planned the way you did. Thank you." I told Arjun to level up with Nandini Aunty.

Did Nandini Aunty deliberately said like that or was it innocent the way it seem. I have to always keep my guard up.

" Next time we will discuss before planning Radhika. Mom is right I should keep you in consideration too." Arjun said.

" I am ok with anything. And by the way I love surprises." I said the last part in whisper and in return Arjun gave me his tantalizing smile.

Samaira POV

I knew mom did not like Arjun and Radhika gone but I had to divert her from them so I started discussing her my problem.

But Arjun solved my problem very easily. He advised that I can hire a live in nurse for her, which I don't know why it did not cross my mind earlier. I am happy now and I think mom has also forgotten about Arjun and Radhika going out today.

But when she said to Arjun that he did not ask Radhika before planning I knew she did not forget the whole deal.

But I was happy that Arjun and Radhika handled the situation nicely. But I really hope mom does not do something foolish. I know the little dark secrets of my mom and I don't want Arjun to know about them anytime.

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