I woke up in the morning and stretched as always. Then I remembered: I'm not supposed to stretch like a cat. I'd look like a weird. I really hoped my cousin hadn't seen me but her eyes were still closed.. Charlotte woke up later and she found me stretching like a normal person.
"Today's not Monday, right?"I asked. The sunlight usually woke me up and I automatically knew what day it was. But now I had slept in a bedroom with big beds and fluffy pillows. Definitely not my style.
"Yes it's Sunday. Why?" Charlotte asked.
"It's probably night back in Zambia. Plus I don't want to go to school." I added.
"You're going to have to." She said.
"Ugh." I stood up and shuddered. I remembered how school was like. There's the rich kids then the bullies then the weak ones then the smart ones like my cousin....then there's the weirdos and the normal kids.
"School is fun. You'll see."
I frowned. "Yeah coming from the nerd." I muttered.
At least she didn't see me stretch. That was the main aim of talking to her anyway. It was hard to look like a human. I was used to always having my sharp long incisors out along with my claws. Now I had to hide everything meaning I had to eat like a human, sleep like a human, walk like a human....everything like a human.
After breakfast, I stood outside. I couldn't run in any forest or use bow n arrows. I wonder if the animals missed me. I knew Helaki missed me. I walked back upstairs to find Charlotte working on homework.
"Will your friends freak out the way I'm wearing?" I asked. I was trying my best not to scare anyone even though I shouldn't really care.
" No. Not really." Charlotte said as she took one glance at me then continued to look at her homework. Apparently she wanted me to meet her friends. I didn't need friends anyway.
Even though I wore a tank top and jeans, my clothes had so many African decorations till people at the airport looked at me weirdly. But I loved the way I was wearing. I wasn't even wearing animal skin.
"Don't worry. After my friend's house we can go to the mall." Charlotte added. I sighed. Maybe if I played along my parents might feel sorry and buy another ticket for me to head back. Who knows?
Charlotte rang the doorbell and some girl shouted, "It's open." She opened the door and we entered the house. It was beautiful and large, larger than Charlotte's house. Then a girl who had long dirty blonde hair with blue eyes came up to me. She looked 12 years old."Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" She asked. I smiled in amusement. I already liked this kid.
I looked at Charlotte who was smiling nervously. "Well, my name is Roxy and I'm Charlotte's cousin." She then circled me and asked happily,
"Are you some type of warrior?"
"You can say that."
"I need a person who can fight." She said seriously as if she was interviewing me.
"To do what?" I asked, almost snorting because of the guts of this kid.
"To beat up my brother Henry. He's a jerk." I laughed.
I saw Charlotte shake her hand and say, "I'm going to call Henry from his room." She climbed the stairs and disappeared.
"I don't think you should do that." I told her. It would be fun to beat up people for no reason but my aunt had told me I had to be nice. I internally gagged.

The Tiger Virago ( Henry Danger Fanfic)
Fanfiction( Previously known as The Tiger Princess) The qualities of a tiger virago are to be brave, courageous, kind and not to hesitate to put others before her own. Roxella Summers had to work to acquire all the qualities to be her. It was a surprise to ev...