With my coat in my hand and the suitcase in the other, I walked out of the airport. A wave of heat hit me as I continued to walk with the sun's light blinding my eyes a bit. I had expected my parents to be waiting for me but I couldn't see them. I naturally found their scents and they weren't that far. I breathed in slowly as walked to their Range Rover. Once I saw my mom she ran to me excitedly.
"Roxella dear it's so good to see you. Welcome back to Lusaka." She said as she hugged me tightly.
"My little Roxy!" My father came and hugged me tightly.
"Dad, I'm fifteen." I said as I hugged him back. He put my suitcase in the car and we drove off to our house in the outskirts of Lusaka into the forest. They didn't ask me questions on the way and I thanked the spirits for it. Once we reached the house, I got in and went straight to my bedroom. I didn't know if I could call it mine, after my parents abandoning because of who I was, I had my own hut back in Ziabali. I walked to the living room and sat on the bamboo made sofas. I got out my phone. No one had called but I had gotten texts from everyone telling me to call them. I pressed on Charlotte's name and waited but I realized there was no network." Where can I get good network?" I asked my parents. They looked at me clearly shocked.
"My study has good network." My dad answered and I walked to his study. The first thing I saw a white species of tiger that was pink eyes. The albino. I smiled before I called her again and this time she picked it up.
"Roxy, you're finally in Zambia!" Charlotte said with a smile.
"Yeah. All I really wanna do is just head down to the village."
"But you promised....."
"I remember my promise."
"Is that Roxy?!" I heard Piper scream from behind.
"Yes she is."
"Girl, how are you doing?"
"Great......." And we talked on and on until my parents came to get me out of the study. They had prepared a snack for me which I ate since I was really hungry.
"Do you still have the tiger thing?" My mom asked fearfully.
"Of course. Did you think it just disappeared?" From there things didn't go well. My parents didn't want to talk to me at all even when I suggested to visit the mall. I guess their main aim of me living in Swellview was to lose the tiger part of me.
For the next two days of the break, I tried to talk to my parents. I decided to stick in the house showing how much I changed even though I felt myself being called by the animals to get outside. It was like I had lost my parents completely. They were acting like there were dead to me which made me angry, angry they couldn't look at me like I was their child. Each agonizing second made me miss Swellview with everything in it. I looked out to the forest from my bedroom window. Why was I here when there was a whole African kingdom waiting for me? So I climbed out of my window and ran into the forest, smelling every single thing around, feeling the moisture on the ground and sniffing the air. The village wasn't far from here so I quickly climbed a tree and roared alerting everyone and everything that I was back. I ran to Helaki's home which caught her by surprise.
"You're here!" She said excitedly and I smiled.
"Obviously, where else would I be?" I said as I hugged her.
"So how's Swellview? How are your friends? How's school?" She asked quickly.
"Too many questions." I laughed." It's okay. My friends are awesome but if you meet them don't tell them I said that and school sucks as always." I had missed her so much so I told her everything I could and mysteriously she was interested in everything. I walked around the village greeting everyone all the way. I was happy to see everyone, those I knew and didn't know. Once we started walking on the palace grounds I couldn't help but feel like something fishy was going on. Instead of the happiness I should be getting off from the people, I could sniff out slight hostility.

The Tiger Virago ( Henry Danger Fanfic)
Fanfiction( Previously known as The Tiger Princess) The qualities of a tiger virago are to be brave, courageous, kind and not to hesitate to put others before her own. Roxella Summers had to work to acquire all the qualities to be her. It was a surprise to ev...