I breathed in the fresh crisp air of Swellview International Airport. I was happy to be back. At least I didn't have horrible problems following me everywhere. My mother watched me as I smiled excitedly and said, " You really love this place."
"Yeah, I actually do." It was funny how a few months ago I would do anything to go back to Zambia.
"My sister is here, right?"
"Yeah, she's here." I said as I pulled out my phone and texted Charlotte. She told me she might not come and get us in case Ray and Henry went out to fight crime. It was six thirty in the evening but it was pitch black outside.
The few trees around the airport had no leaves and everyone around me was wearing a coat. I didn't feel that cold and for the fact that I was going to end up fighting less than in an hour made me not wear one.
I sniffed the air. There were so many people around me but I knew where my aunt was. I also knew that Emaku could feel I was back here and he would be getting his people ready. I needed mine to be ready.
Where are they? I texted Charlotte. She wasn't near the airport so that meant she was still in the Man Cave and Ray and Henry were out somewhere fighting crime. She later gave me the address." Mom, I need to go." I still didn't understand why she came here with me because I was never going to be free. With school, Emaku and other nuisances called criminals, I was super busy. I even envied Henry's hyper motility at this point.
"Do what you gotta do." She winked at me which made me gasp. Did she know that I was Tigress? She didn't show it as I ran off, away from her. I shook my head. My mother shouldn't wink. It was disturbing.
I brought the tube of gumballs with me when I went to Zambia. I didn't know why I did it. I realized I loved being Tigress more than being the tiger virago or tiger princess. I could express myself and no one could complain about it. Then a certain man's image came into my head. Well, except Ray. He always complained about me.
I soon became Tigress and ran quickly to the address my cousin gave me. I kinda felt jittery. I was going to see Henry. The handsome blonde who wouldn't just leave me alone. My boyfriend. It felt weird saying it in my head. One thing I hoped for was control so I wouldn't pass out and kill him. Even though Henry said he didn't care, it haunted my dreams sometimes and I wished it could stop.
I hadn't run anywhere really back in Zambia. So running and climbing buildings, jumping from one to another made me happy. I felt alive.
I soon arrived at the address. I watched as Ray and Henry fought two robbers. They looked like they were losing. I frowned. What was happening? They seemed to be out of it and angry at each other. So I wasn't shocked when the robbers kicked them, shot a bullet at Captain Man and ran away. Everyone knew he was indestructible so it obviously didn't hurt him.
They ran to the building I had stopped at. When they reached the alley way, I dropped down to the ground. It looked like I had to take care of these losers myself. My vision quickly became green and I could see them clearly.
"What's that?" One of them asked.
I didn't reply. I quickly kicked them both in the nuts and they dropped to the ground. I needed to preserve my energy. Behind me I heard Ray and Henry's panting.
"I can't believe we lost them. This is all your fault." Henry said.
"My fault?" Ray said exasperatedly and I laughed. They both turned to me and even though they couldn't see me, I knew they would spot my glowing green eyes in the darkness. I noticed that my eyes had slightly changed. They were still green but to a darker shade of it, jade and they now glowed in the dark. I guess it happened after my trip to the world of gods and spirits. I also couldn't control my claws in my feet.

The Tiger Virago ( Henry Danger Fanfic)
Fanfiction( Previously known as The Tiger Princess) The qualities of a tiger virago are to be brave, courageous, kind and not to hesitate to put others before her own. Roxella Summers had to work to acquire all the qualities to be her. It was a surprise to ev...