Chapter 24:The dance

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Roxy's  dress looks something  like  the picture  above

All that people could talk about was Blaire's charity dance. They made it look like it was a big thing, but it wasn't. I wanted to back out after sometime because of the tiger warrior issue but Jasper begged me saying that three hours of fun won't hurt me. It was five p.m on the day of the dance and I let my aunt as always do my hair. I loved my hair unruly but the fact that it had to be straight kind of hurt. The fact that my parents brought me here to change, that they didn't like who I was still hurt everytime I thought about it. I put the thoughts  aside I was walked to the fridge and  started rummaging for something raw in the fridge when the doorbell rang.

"Roxy can you answer that?" My aunt shouted from above. I grunted because I had just found some raw chicken but I opened the door to find Henry. Ever since Bianca came back he had been acting weird, like he really needed to tell me something but he couldn't. Which annoyed me. And to make matters worse, his so called girlfriend didn't like me. I despised her. I knew this made me sound jealous but I didn't care.


"Hey." I greeted back. He looked at me like he was starstruck and I guessed it was the multiple rollers on my hair." You do know you're staring too much. If it's my head just know this is my aunt's doing."

"No it's not that, it's just..... nevermind." After silence which I found pretty awkward I asked him,

"Why are you here? I thought you're supposed to be getting ready to leave for the dance with pretty face."

He laughed." Pretty face? You really don't like her?"

"No and I've tried being nice to her." He laughed again. Then he became nervous again. I couldn't help but to listen to his heartbeat that was pounding rapidly.

"I wanted to tell you...... " He was interrupted by Charlotte's footsteps as she came down the stairs.

"Oh hey Henry."

"Hey." I looked at Charlotte,who looked like she was going to say something but I said,

"Wait." I turned back to him." What did you want to say?"

"Um...that Ray.....wants to see you later." He said  uneasily.  Even  without  senses I k ew that was a lie.

"Charlotte couldn't have told me that?" I asked and headed towards the kitchen. I turned around to still find his eyes on me as he talked to my cousin. Our eyes met and for some reason I could feel my cheeks warm up and I quickly turned  my attention to the fridge. What was happening to me?

I walked out of my aunt's car  and sighed. I wasn't comfortable with what I was wearing but I had to act like I rocked it. Jasper who was at the door ran towards us but he slowed down when he got near.

"Roxy you look.... beautiful." He kept gawking at me until I walked up to him and fixed his collar.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I whispered and I could see him gazing at me with this look in his eyes I had never seen before. When I was done I took his arm." Let's go rock the dance."

He blinked multiple times and said, " Yes, let's go rock the dance." He led me inside and I concentrated on how to walk in the black heels I was wearing. I felt eyes on me as we entered the school and I smirked. This wasn't my style but I was rocking it.

Henry's POV
There was this question I kept on asking myself: why did she come back? I was really sad when Bianca left but my feelings for her ended up disappearing. But now she appears and thinks we're still together. I wanted to be here with Roxy. I was supposed to be here with her because I won the ping pong match fair and square. But Bianca just had to come back and I didn't know how to break up with her without feeling bad about it.

"Are you okay?" She asked looking at me worriedly.

"I'm okay, it's just that......" I looked at her to see that her attention had gone somewhere else.

"Is that......?" I turned around quickly to see Jasper and Roxy entering the gym and to me, it looked like it was in slow motion. Roxy looked sexy with the long violet satin dress that flowed down her body like it was meant for her. The dress had a v-neck so wide  that I could see some parts of her exposed chest. She was rocking high heels that I knew she hated. She had the right amount of makeup on her face. She was beautiful. But as they continued to enter the gym, a pang of jealousy hit me. I didn't want to watch her be with him,  even if he was my best friend. I took Bianca's hand and walked towards them.

"Hey Henry." She then whispered to me," Can we exchange shoes?" I laughed at her question.

"No." And that's when Bianca gripped my arm.

"Roxy, you look pretty." She said quite sourly.

"Yeah, you too." Roxy said in a sugar-coated voice. She smiled so brightly to the point even I knew it was fake. She then turned to Jasper." Let's see what type of food and drinks this junk of a school has to offer." Jasper took her arm and they walked away. I glared wishing I had powers to laser people with my eyes because I would have definitely lasered where there was physical contact between them. Bianca and I went to sit by the seats that were based at the walls of the gym. We talked but my main focus was the two people who sat across from me on the other side of the gym. Bianca who realized I was bored decided we should dance. She dragged me to the dance floor. She started to jump around excitedly and I joined her but stopped when Roxy and Jasper decided to get on the dance floor. They all started out as jumping to the music but Roxy decided to go pro. I knew she had been practicing with Piper but I didn't know she was that good. I hated the way Jasper was looking at her as she circled him like she was seducing him. Everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch her dance. And I loved every moment but also hated every moment of it. That should have been me. When she was done, Jasper led her back to their seats. After he left for whatever reason I approached her. Bianca had disappeared and I really didn't care.

"Do you have a problem?" She asked  me.

I hesitated once I saw her ' I- really-dont - care' face but I got the courage and said,"  Actually I do."

"What is it?" She was done wearing her heels and stood and started to walk away. I followed.

"You shouldn't be doing that to Jasper."

"Doing what?"

"Leading him on." I said venomously." I know you don't like him."

"Yeah I don't. And how this your problem?" The fact that she was talking so arrogantly annoyed me even though I knew that was her normal way of talking.

"Because he's my best friend."

She let out a dry laugh." Hart go back to the dance." She got out of the gym doors but I followed. She wasn't going to walk out of this conversation.

"Roxy wait first." I said trying to catch up to her. She was heading to the direction of the washrooms but she stopped and turned around slowly looking like she had understood something.

"I get it now. You're jealous." She said  with a smirk.

"No I'm not." I denied. She walked up to me  with a facial expression of confusion slash slight...... happiness.

"Yes you are. You're jealous I came here with Jasper. You're jealous I danced with him . You're angry pretty face came back and claimed that you're still together." She smiled wickedly  and started to walk away but I grabbed her wrist.

"How did you know that?" I brought her closer. She took a step closer and said,

"I'm not stupid. Plus I have...senses." she whispered as her eyes turned green and cat like in a split second.

"Really?" I got a step closer to her and unlike her composed self, my heart was beating rapidly and I was really hoping she couldn't  hear it. I glanced at her beautiful black eyes to her plump lips that had been coloured by a shade of pink that was almost looking purple. At that moment I wanted to kiss her, and the fact that she hadn't moved away or punched me had encouraged me. I finally decided to lean in for a kiss.......

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