Chapter 17: My Tiger

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We were jogging..... Yes,we were jogging in a neighborhood that looked abandoned. And it was 6:30p.m and I was getting impatient. Really impatient. And scared. Tomorrow the stupid elders were going to take what I felt like was apart of me. And what were we doing to get me back to myself again? JOGGING!

"You're okay?" Henry asked from beside me.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I lied, just to not show I was ungrateful. I gave him a small smile which led to his cheeks to show  colour  a little. I looked  at him in curiosity wondering why was he blushing.  I hadn't said  anything to make him blush.What did that mean? I wanted to tell him that he better tell me where we were going before I....... I'd........snap his neck into two? I didn't know why but today I felt like my normal energetic self. My tiger was still absent and the normal laughing I heard in my head wasn't there. I tried transforming my nose. Nothing happened. I didn't get why we were jogging in the first place. This won't help me get back to normal.

"Henry, I..... I can't do this." I stammered.

"You have to jog. I'm trying to get you exercised."

"Well this isn't helping."I  stopped. I crossed my arms to protect myself from the fall cold. Cold air was blowing on my face. I looked at him and he looked serious. I'd never  seen  him this serious.

" How do you expect to get back what you love so much if you don't believe that you'll get it?"  He asked me.

His words sinked in deep. Real deep. He was right. I didn't believe in myself. I didn't have hope that I would get my tiger back. Sounds of struggle  interrupted  my thoughts.  Two huge guys were  trying  to put Henry  down but he was resisting.  They did eventually  and  one was heading  towards me.

All of a sudden, I couldn't breathe. I felt like all the air had been sucked out of my lungs and with every blow he took from one of the men, I just kept on shrinking down to the ground. I couldn't fight. I couldn't fight. I will never fight again.

Henry was now fully on the ground groaning in pain. If I didn't do anything he'd die. I heard the jerks laughing.

"Is that your girlfriend? I don't think she's okay,dude." The white guy said while the black one grunted.

"Roxy," Henry said with a hoarse voice, "Run."

I had to do this. I couldn't live on the fact that my tiger self made me strong.It only helped me to become stronger and now that it's gone, I have to live without it. I was tired of making myself think I was weak. Or actually listening to people who thought I was weak......

"Hey, weakling. Do you have your momma nearby?" They erupted in laughter.

"Can you three duff bags leave her alone?" My best friend shouted at them.

" Leave them alone. It's okay."

"No it's not Roxy. You are not weak that I can tell. You  can touch snakes!" She exclaimed and I laughed a little."But seriously, don't let anyone make you inferior without your consent. You are the strongest person I know, besides me obviously."

I pushed her playfully." I'm going to leave your words at 'You are the strongest person I know '. You even used Eleanor Roosevelt's words."

"I know. I read books every day."

"Since when? When that happens, cats and dogs will rain from the sky."

"So you're saying it's impossible....." She said with a fake expression of hurt.

"Maybe. But thank you."

"Why are you trying to change the subject?"

I started to run and she chased me all the  way to my home.

The Tiger Virago ( Henry Danger Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now