Chapter 38

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I would talk to Tae and Jimin about Lauren later. I needed to rest right now and staying in Jungkook's bed all night sounded like a great idea.

And now...

In all fairness, all I wanted to do was take off this damn dress and my dripping makeup, get changed into something more comfortable and sleep on Jungkooks side of the bed for a moon, crying into his pillow whilst holding onto my shifters necklace. The exact same as Lauren's.

My thoughts were broken though when Taehyung in front of me stopped in his tracks in the doorway.

"Jiminie..." he spoke out softly his voice cracking slightly. He was looking down on the floor.

"Jiminie, please hear m-"

"No Tae! No! Stay away from me!" Jimin's voice was full of rage and authority. It was as if their emotions had switched ever science they left the car.

Jimin was suddenly angry after pouring his eyes out in the ball; and Taehyung was, well, now Taehyung was on the verge of tears, from being the one who was shouting at Jimin.

"No, Jimin. Please, you-"

"Taehyung just... just f-"

"Guys, that's more than enough!" I say seeing how this could escalate and judging by the way it was going so far,

"The only reason I haven't pressed you two about her is because I knew this would happen and it would end in someone saying something they regret!"

"Well then. It's a bit too late for that now isn't it TAEHYUNG!" I flinched at the amount of venom that came out of Jimin's lips, as he spat out the younger's name.

"OK! Enough of this! You don't want to be civilized about this, so we'll have to do it now. Go get in some better clothing first and meet me in Jungkook's room. You have 5." I quickly built up a strong wall in front of the two, to make it seem as if Jungkook's and Lauren's kidnappings had no effect on me.

I push past the two and walk straight to Jungkook's room, collapsing in front of his bed and weep onto his side.

"Y/N-ah" someone knocks on the door waiting for a reply but I can't say anything, my sobs choking my words from forming. Instead, the door opens and I hear him shut the door quickly before running next to me.


His minty scent was now clear to me once he pulled me into another hug. He was the first to enter the dorm, so he had probably gotten changed faster than the rest of us. He just sat there holding me whilst I sobbed into his shirt.

"I know what you're doing, and I'm telling you now. Don't. You're beyond hurt and this proves it."

"It'll give...It'll give me some closure Yoongi... I...I need to know what happened to her."

"You're too kind for your own good Y/N-ah." he smiles placing a small kiss on my forehead. I blush, only to remember the feeling of Jungkook's lips on mine and everything about him that I loved.

My lip quivered again and I buried my face into Yoongi's chest holding onto his shirt. The elder boy froze for a moment before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly, not saying a word, knowing that the silence was the best therapy in my current situation.

"Yoongi I miss him so much... Why did...Why did this happen?" he simply stroked my hair, comforting me in his own way. It helped. A lot actually.

I had stopped crying after another minute and Yoongi helped me sit up straight. I watched him then get up and walk into Jungkook's wardrobe. The sound of his feet stopped once inside, and I looked over to see his outstretched arm telling me to get up and follow him in.

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