그는 알아

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One high pitched scream sounded throughout the Song residence, probably startling the neighbours.

Mira messily gathered her belongings and rushed downstairs. As the girl reached the front door, she shoved her feet into a pair of boots, heading out the door in a hurry.

Practically sprinting across the snow-covered ground, she rushed to the nearest bus stop.


"Coming!" a girl's voice was heard from within the house.

Upon opening the door, Hyunjin was shoved back inside of her home by a panicked and exhausted looking Mira.

"What happened to you?" she said taking Mira's jacket from her.

The girl didn't respond to the question though. She continued to pant, supporting herself up with both her hands pressed firmly against the wall.

She ran five blocks from the nearest bus stop to get to Hyunjin's house. There weren't buses that came any closer.

Regaining some her breath, Mira stuck her hand into her left back pocket and pulled out a folded, red piece of paper, shoving it in front of Hyunjin's concerned face.

"What's this?" she looked at Mira strangely, receiving a waving hand as a response.

Hyunjin unfolded the paper to see it was an envelope. She looked back up at Mira before opening it further.

The girl's eyes widened as she read over the note, constantly looking back and forth between it and Mira.

"He knows?!" Hyunjin squealed with both shock and excitement.

"I guess so, but look at the date," Mira replied in the same tone of voice with a finger pointing out the date.

"December 16th? But isn't that the same day you stopped writing those letters?"

"Maybe he knew all along?"

"I doubt that," the latter said, "remember how confused he used to to be?"

"Then when could he had figured it out?" Mira's curiosity had been peaked.

"Maybe he really is a genius at all things?"

The two erupted with laughter as they headed up to Hyunjin's room to discuss many unfinished conversations and theories.


I think I might go back and edit this book when i'm done, so for the time being, ENJOY THIS MESS!!🎆

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