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"Yujin-ah, please accept these chocolates!"

Valentine's Day. The day boys and girls-men and women-express their love or liking towards each other. A day that would surely leave any single person feeling lonely.

Mira sighed as she watched yet another student confess to their crush. Well- more or less.

"I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend," the girl known as Yujin apologized in a small voice.

Mira visibly winced as he was basically rejected in front of their whole class as well as other students.

The boy straightened his back, standing tall, the chocolates dangling by his side as he scoffs. He rolls his eyes, "I offered you chocolates, not a date," he states in a monotonous tone, placing the box on her table nonetheless before returning back to his friends like nothing ever happened.

Mira sat wide-eyed, not looking away from the girl who got rejected by her own rejection. She watched as Yujin picked up the small box, inspecting it on her own, shock evident on her face. The girl then put down the box, releasing a quiet, breathy laugh.

"That was horrifying," a familiar voice said taking a spot on top of the picnic table Mira sat at.

"Tell me about it," she said not facing the person.

They watched on as students in their grade approached each other. Some being approached by younger grade students. Many were accepted or appreciated. A few were rejected here and there.

"Hyunjin-ah, have you received any chocolates," Mira asked laying the side of her head flat on the tabletop.

"No, I haven't," the girl in question replied remaining unbothered by the query and the activities around her. "Have you?"

"Well," Mira dragged out thinking of what to say. "No, no I have not."

That was definitely a lie. Mira had found a chocolate on her desk this morning. One single chocolate with a note taped to it. It would look harmless and sweet to any onlooker, but to Mira, it was the continuation of her discomfort and paranoia.

For the past two weeks since school started back up, Mira hat been receiving notes. They never fail to have them either taped to her locker, fallen somewhere inside her locker, or on her homeroom desk. A little black envelope holding them. Red was the only colour the person seemed to use which is quite unsettling for Mira since they always made sure to write her name with that colour. The usually harmless smiley face is what the person used to sign each note. The fact that the face is always upside down just adds to the discomfort.

This morning was no exception. From the moment Mira saw the familiar dark colour, until she finished reading the note, goosebumps crawled her skin. The note nearly making her cry. She would have if she hadn't noticed students begin to enter the classroom.

She didn't mean to lie to Hyunjin. She just didn't want to burden her. Mira feels as though she's worried her friend too much from the time they met until now.

Mira was brought out her thought as someone approached their table. Well- approached Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin-ah, will you be my valentine?" a girl said with her head bowed, arms extending towards Hyunjin.

A single rose and a box of chocolates. Cliché but cute.

When Hyunjin remained silent, the girl raised her head slightly so she could look at her. There was a slight blush evident on Hyunjin's cheeks. Her lips parted in surprise. Eyes wide in disbelief. Despite being in such state, the girl nodded her head slowly at first before picking up the pace, accepting the chocolates and flower.

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