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"Okay so, let me get this straight," Hyunjin said pinching her the bridge of her nose, "your mother is being transferred for work but you get to stay here?"

"Yes," Mira answered, although her answer sounded like more of a question itself, "isn't that what I just said?"

"No not at all," the girl deadpanned.

"Well, what did I say then?"

"Definitely not that," the younger muttered as she rolled her eyes at her friend. "So why is this a big deal again?"

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at the girl, not understanding why she made it into some sort of self-debate when the decisions were already made. The tension in Mira's shoulders only grew instead of relaxing.

"Cause!" the girl exclaimed, voice rising an octave or two, catching the attention of a few students nearby. She uttered a small apology, hurriedly bowing her head before moving to sit closer to her friend. "Because, I kind of wanted to go with her," she whispered.

"What? Why would you want that? You love it here," Hyunjin tilted her head.

"Yeah but," Mira dragged letting her eyes wander until they landed on a certain brunette, "I don't feel too comfortable here."

Hyunjin's eyebrows creased as she noticed the latter staring off. She leaned closer to follow the girl's gaze; resisting the urge to facepalm as she found where-or who-she was staring at.

"Oh, come on," she groaned, earning a sigh as a response.

The both of them turned back towards each other as Mira said, "I just don't feel comfortable being in the same school as him, let alone classroom. I feel guilty."

"Why is that?"


"Why do you feel guilty?"

"I dunno," she released an exasperated sigh, dropping her head in her palms. "I knew I still had feelings for him, but I said I liked someone else. So now whatever chance I had, was thrown away, and looking back on it I realize I had lied to myself and to him," Mira rushed out in one breath.

She sighed. "I guess what I'm saying is, I like Seungmin, not Felix. And I don't think things will ever be the same or even remotely normal between him and I now."

"Wow," Hyunjin sat looking at Mira, wide-eyed, brain processing the what she was just told. "That was a lot, but I kind of figured your feelings were somewhere along those lines. Glad I wasn't too far off."

"So what do I do?" the older girl looked to her dongsaeng for advice, considering she was in a relationship and Mira was not.

"Well first," the younger pondered for a few seconds, "you talk to him. Clear up the previous incident."

"Right then," Mira clapped her hands together, a small smile on her lips. "How do I do that again?"

This time Hyunjin allowed physically facepalmed, groaning as she rubbed her temples.


Hi there!
It's me! That one author that can't seem to finish her book :))

So originally I was gonna finish this book at the time I said. I actually had 3 of the final chapters written, but then the device I was using completely broke. Thus explaining my sudden drop off the face of every type of sns.

I had no backups anywhere since I just decided to wrote it all on the notes application. (I know, I'm stupid)
Me losing those chapters ruined the little motivation I gained back to write this book. It just feels like a lost cause.

That device breaking forced a break of its own upon me. That break made me realise everything I did wrong with this book. Yes, I plan to finish it still, however, afterwards I'll be taking another break. Hiatus if you will. This time intentional and not forced.

For when I return, I have a new book planned. I'll take my time with this one, and really plan out the plot and storyline, which I clearly didn't do with this one.

To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing with this. I just started writing. It was fun at first but then began to feel like a chore. Of course, I could've taken my time with this, but I was very irresponsible with this book.

With all the things that happened in my life and all the things that will continue to happen, an update schedule does not fit into my life at all. For one to fit, I'd have to start writing several months in advance.

Thank you to those who stuck around through all my random disappearances, and those who found this here waited nonetheless.


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