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"Hey, Seungmin! Can I steal you for a minute?"


"Hello, Seungmin-ssi! Can we go somewhere private?"

"Not that either."

"Seungmin-ah, can I talk to you for a-ugh!" Mira ruffled her hair in frustration.

She planned to do as Hyunjin said and talk to Seungmin, and was now practising how to approach him. It sounded easy at first however, she was finding it awfully difficult to come up with a greeting that wasn't too abrasive, formal or casual.

Mira had known Seungmin since they were in kindergarten. They talked about everything and everyone. Surely she could talk to him about anything. Right?

The girl threw her head back with a groan. Using that momentum, she swung around, dragging her feet until she was in front of her bed; plopping onto it like a rag doll.

"This is hopeless," she whined into her sheets.

Mira remained like this for another thirty minutes or so. She decided she'd figure out what to say when the time came-if it ever did come-not wanting to think of the embarrassment the real interaction would cause.

After an eternal silence, she heard a ring. Mira shot her head up, whipping it around to try and locate the source, her phone. With a small grunt of determination, Mira leapt off her bed. Within seconds, her clean, well-arranged room and neatly made bed were a mess. It looked as if a tornado ripped through her bedroom.

"Hello," she panted, slapping the phone to her face; answering her almost missed call.


It was Hyunjin.

"Why do you sound like you just ran a marathon?"

"I practically did, looking for this phone," she huffed, walking around her bed, collapsing once more. "What's up?"

"Did you do the thing yet?" Hyunjin continued when Mira didn't answer, "y'know, talk to him?"

"No!" Mira interjected. "And I don't wanna. It'll be awkward and I don't know how to go about that conversation anyway," she huffed.

"It'll be fine," Hyunjin dragged out. "Just talk to him eonnie."

"Yup, coming from someone with a girlfriend who made the first move after months of you doing nothing," the former rolled her eyes even though the latter count see her.

"Whatever, girls are different. Heejin's a different breed," the younger said within a laugh.

"That's sounds mean Jinnie," Mira snickered.

"No! It's a good thing, I swear!" Hyunjin exclaimed; calming her giggles.

"Okay, so what do you suppose I do?"

Mira waited for a response as Hyunjin hummed as an 'I'm thinking' indicator.

"Just," the latter started after a minute or so, "wait."



"Why? For what?" Mira furrowed her brows; head tilting.

"Just wait like seven, seven? Yeah, seven minutes," she told her older friend.

"Okay? So what do I do in these seven minutes?"

"Just sit and wait I guess."

For the next couple of minutes, the two talked about any random thought that popped into their minds. Either they were talking very slow or they weren't paying attention because the sound of the doorbell caught Mira's attention. When she checked the time, not just seven, but eighteen minutes had passed of the pair rambling about anything they could think of to pass the time.

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