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Mira snatched the paper from her locker and quickly crumbled it. Whoever put it there had to have known she's superstitious. Pushing the thought way, she opened her locker door, proceeding to store her belongings. She grabbed what she needed and sped walked to class.


"Mira," a small voice whispered catching the young girl's attention.

As she turned around, she was met face to face with the one person she was hoping to avoid, Kim Seungmin. 'How can someone look so good in a school uniform?' she thought to her self. He wore a small smile on his face as he approached her.

"Hey, Mira," he smiled.

"Oh! Hello Seungmin-ssi."

Mira couldn't believe she just said that. They were childhood friends for Pete's sake! They used to call each other anything but their actual names. Let alone use honorifics. She mentally face palmed at the fact.

"I-uh," he chuckled slightly, "we should have lunch together."


"Come have lunch with me. You know I'm not one for asking," he laughed again.

Mira squinted at the boy. "And you know I'm not one for taking commands. If you want something you should ask politely Seungmin-ssi," she said putting emphasis on both his name and honorific.

"Mira," the boy whined earning a glare from her.

With a huff and a shake of her head, the girl stated, "I'm older than you and you still don't use any honorifics. Shame on you."

At this Seungmin let out a deep sigh. She was only 2 months older than him yet she always wanted to be called noona.

"Mira noona," he sighed, "will you please have lunch with me?"

"You didn't have to say please but sure." She gave him a soft smile, filled with content. "Come on." Mira began trotting away towards the cafeteria with a half-irritation half-excited Seungmin trailing behind her.



That's the only word that could describe how Mira felt as she and Seungmin approached where they'd been eating. Although it was cold out, everything still felt warm to her. The exact spot where they used to have lunch every.

Cliché right?

Two best friends—one male, one female—having lunch together every day under the same tree in their schoolyard. Though this might sound like every high school romance, it's not.

Mira didn't feel butterflies in her stomach being here with him after so long. She didn't feel nervous. Or like she was eating with her crush. In fact, her crush on Seungmin faded—correction, she forced her feelings away.

Instead of giddiness, she felt nostalgic. Remembering the times they spent there. The memories they made together. As they sat down, however, another memory flooded her mind, bringing discomfort with it.

A memory of Seungmin appearing at their spot with another person...

with his girlfriend...

Mira was pulled out of thought when someone sat across from her, next to where Seungmin was positioned. Her eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise as she recognized who it was.

"Hwang Hyunjin?" she muttered.

"Hey Mira!" said boy waved his hand towards her earning a small wave in response. "Seungmin, I didn't know we were eating with Mira today? And I was wondering why you wanted to eat out here."

Mira noticed as a slight smirk played on Hyunjin's lips. What she didn't notice though was the faint colour of red that painted the tip of Seungmin's ears.

"Where's Lix?," he asked softly in an attempt to change the topic.

As if on cue the freckled boy plopped down on the grass next to Mira, bright smile plastered across his face.

"Hey, guys! Hey Mira," he greeted.

Mira slightly bowed her head in response.

"Oh don't do that we're classmates after all."

'Wow' the girl thought as his smile grew.

His eyes shining with glee. Lips curling in the friendliest way. The smile sharp but kind. The small scrunch of his nose. The way the sunlight beamed across his gorgeous face giving him a wonderful orange glow. His freckles resembling stars that dot the skies as the sun would slowly dip behind a hill. His image looking almost ethereal.

Oh, how terrible she felt as the vivid memory of when she cried her tear ducts dry at the thought of Seungmin being happy with another girl and is now quite smitten by his friend. She can't help it though. The boy's appearance is like that of a multi-billion dollar masterpiece in The Louvre.

"Mira?" Hyunjin called as he noticed her zoning out.

"Hm? Oh sorry- I didn't- sleep- well last night," she struggled to get out, feeling a heat rise in cheeks as she'd been caught practically drinking Felix's image with her eyes.

This definitely didn't go unnoticed by Seungmin. The slight clench and unclenching of his jaw quite visible to his two friends. The air was suddenly thicker than before.

"How about we eat," Felix attempts to distract them as he reaches for a french fry on Hyunjin plate earning two agreeing hums and one slap on the hand accompanied by a glare from Hyunjin.

And thus they ate in silence for the most part until Felix, who happened to be drinking water, was tackled to the ground. Water from his bottle flying everywhere.

"Ah! Jisung!"Felix shrieked. A sound Mira never knew could emit from the deep-voiced boy.

"Felix!" the said boy called back as they later on the grass. A now empty water bottle rolling away from them.

Mira couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Hyunjin and Seungmin not being able to contain themselves either.

"I think you're suffocating him," she giggled.

"Oh he's fine," Jisung scoffed as he sat up, releasing a reddened Felix.

A lengthy wheeze comes from the latter as he sits up next to his friend. This earns a laugh from everyone including the red boy. The rest of their lunch filled with lame jokes, lots of teasing, and everyone's food being stolen to some extent. Any discomfort disappearing from their conscious.


I swear I didn't intentionally add those 2 paragraphs about Felix. It just came out😅

I high key dislike the way I wrote the past chapters and I feel this is all over the place but I'm trying haha

Also! I wrote exactly 1002 words! I was surprised when I pasted it here form my notes.

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