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I swam through the water and let out a sigh as I saw Arthur ahead of me. We made it to a sub and I let out a sigh as I saw it was being highjacked.

"Don't do anything stupid." I said as we made it to the sub.

"When have I ever done something stupid?" He asked with a smirk.

"If I die..... I will take it personally." I said as he opened the hatch.

This was a normal day to us. We would swim through the ocean and look for people who needed help.

"Permission to come aboard?" He asked as he got into the sub.

I took out two guards and made my way to the prisoners.

"Let's go!" I snapped.

I rushed them out of the sub and then I watched as Arthur got pushed into another room. I set the woman who got hurt down and left to help Arthur. I made it into the room to see him fighting with two men. Before I knew it he stabbed one of them and dropped him on the ground.

"Let's go Aquawoman." Arthur said softly.

"We can't leave them." I said as I watched them struggling to get the tank off.

"They got into this mess. They can get out of it." He said as he climbed the ladder.

"Please.... help him." The man begged.

"Let's go!" Arthur yelled.

I gently kicked the tank and then I climbed up the ladder. We made it off the sub and got the passengers away. Soon I left Arthur and made my way back home. I let out a sigh as I walked into my house to see my father pacing back and forth.

"Are you alright father?" I asked as I watched him.

"No, Orm is going to declare war on the surface world." He said as he turned to look at me.

"Why? We haven't had problems with them so why attack?" I asked shocked.

"I don't know, but we must stop it. I sent Mera after Arthur.... I want you to stay by Orm's side and tell me everything that is happening." He said softly.

"Alright. I will." I said as I turned and left the house.

I made my way to the throne room and saw Orm on his throne.

"Alana.... your back." He said with a smile.

"My king. I apologize for being so late. I was exploring." I said as I bowed.

"Stand up. You have no need to bow to me Alana. You are one of my closest friends." Orm said as he swam up to me.

"And you are mine." I said softly.

He was my closest friend, but I knew in my heart he was also so much more to me, and nothing would change that.

"Swim with me." He said as he held his hand out.

I took it and we swam through the garden.

"I know Vulko has told you about how I am raging war against the surface world.... what is your thoughts on it?" He asked softly.

"Do you want the truth or the lie?" I asked softly.

"I always want you to speak the truth." He said softly.

"I think it is a mistake. Orm you will kill many innocent people and we will lose men of our own. The surface world hasn't attacked us and I think we should leave it as it is." I said softly.

"They dump waste into our water and they kill our animals. They will soon attack us, I only wish to strike first."

"And what if you are wrong. What if you start a war and it ends bad?"

"It won't."

"But what if it does? Orm what if something happens to you? Atlantis can't survive without you."

"It would have you." He said softly.

"I am no King."

"But maybe you could be a Queen." He said as he moved his hand to my cheek.

"I'm not your betrothal.... I'm not royalty.... I'm but the daughter of your counselor ." I said softly.

"Yes..... I keep forgetting." He said as he moved his hand away.

"I should go..... you have much to do.... please think about what I said." I said as I swam away.

I made my way to my house and let out a sigh. After changing my clothes I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes as I fell asleep.

I was in a small house alone when I heard crying. I walked through the house and froze as I saw a baby in a crib crying. I turned when I heard foot steps.

"Shhh it's alright Alana mommy is here." A woman said as she rushed into the room.

I watched her pick the baby up and shush her as she hummed.

"Is Alana alright?" My father asked as he rushed into the room.

"She is fine Vulko. She is a baby she cries. All babies do this." She explained.

"I haven't ever been near a baby.... I have a lot to learn." He said as he let out a sigh.

"And you will.... I just wish I could be there." She said sadly.

"Jane.... I promise when all of this is over... we will have another child... one we can raise together." He said as he kissed her forehead.

"I will miss you... so much." She said as tears streamed down her face.

"I promise you.... this will not be forever.... I will return.... nothing will stop me from returning home to you." He said as he picked the baby up.

The woman stood up and kissed the child's head.

"My darling daughter.... we will meet again and I promise.... I will never let you go." She whispered.

When I woke up I realized I had been crying. I whipped my tears away and stood up. After changing clothes I left to visit Orm.

"Alana just the woman I wanted to see." He said as he swam up to me.

"What do you need my king?" I asked softly.

"Arthur has been captured. He came to Atlantis illegally. I am going now to talk to him and I wish for you to come with me." He said with a smile.

"Of course my lord." I said as I bit my lip and followed behind him.

The Counselor's daughter (Aquaman Film)  Where stories live. Discover now