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Growing up without a father isn't easy when you are a kid. You don't have anyone to go to Father's Day at school with you. You don't have a father to give a gift to. I didn't really notice how much I wished for a father until I was ten.

"Hey Alana! Is your dad coming?" My bully asked with a smirk.

"I don't have a dad." I said as I looked at the ground.

"So sad, fishy doesn't have a dad!" She exclaimed as she started laughing.

"Leave me alone." I said sadly.

"Why? Are you going to go cry to your daddy.... oh wait you don't have one!" She yelled as she laughed.

I felt a tear stream down my face and then she pushed me down. She laughed with her friends as she walked away. Soon the tears kept falling and I took off at a sprint towards my house. When I made it inside my mother looked at me confused and then she saw the tears.

"What's wrong? What happen?" She asked as she rushed up to me.

"I hate school! I hate everyone!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

I slammed my door shut and locked it. I leaned against the door and I hid my face as I brought my knees to my chest.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong? Talk to me." My mom said softly.

"I have no friends at school." I said softly.

"I'm sure you will make friends soon."

"No one wants to be friends with a girl who has no father." I said as tears streamed down my face.

I heard my mom let out a sigh and I started to shake as I cried.

"I know it is hard, but it won't always be like this.... one day.... one day you won't have to worry about any of that." She said softly.

After awhile I heard her walk away and I whipped my eyes. I looked out the window and let out a sigh as I saw the sunset. I stood up and walked up to my window. I slowly opened it and snuck out of the house. I made my way towards a rock and hid behind it. I waited for my mother to leave the window and then I ran to the dock. I dove into the water and smiled as I swam. After awhile I stopped and I laid on my back.

"This is so much better." I whispered.

Soon I heard thunder and I looked up to see a storm coming in. I bit my lip as I slowly started to swim back to land. The waves started to become big and soon I was pushed under water.  I gasped as I tried to catch my breath.

"Help!" I screamed as I hit the surface.

Another wave pushed me down and before I knew it I hit my head on a rock. Before I lose consciousness I saw someone swimming towards me. When I opened my eyes I was on land and there was a boy on a rock.

"Who are you?" I asked as I set up.

"No one important..... you should go home. Stay out of the water." He said as he went towards the water.

"Wait! Can... can I know your name?" I asked softly.

"It's Orm." He said before he dove back into the water.

"I'm Alana." I said as I watched him swim away.

For the next week I would sit on the rock he set on and wait to see if he would return. After while I decided that if I wanted to find him I would have to go into the water. After awhile I swam to the place he has saved me and I looked around.

"Orm!" I yelled as I looked around.

After waiting a few minutes I turned to see a fin. I froze as I moved back and after a few seconds I started swimming away. I held my breath as I went under water and swam to a underwater cave. I soon found a airpocket and I got out of the water.

"I told you to stay out of the water." A voice said.

I turned to see Orm and I walked up to him.

"I'm not a really good listener." I said softly.

"What do you want?" He asked as he stood up.

"To thank you for saving me." I said softly.

"I only saved you because I didn't want a surface dwellers body in my ocean." He said annoyed.

"This isn't your ocean. It's everybody's." I said calmly.

"I am the prince of Atlantis.... this is my ocean."

"I am the princess of I don't give a damn." I said sternly.

"You are very brave..... that or stupid." He said calmly.

"And you are a jerk. I take it back, I wish you would of let me die. Would of been better than meeting you." I said calmly.

"Good luck getting past the Mosasaurus." He said with a smirk.

"Um..... wait! Could you maybe.... help me get past it?" I asked softly.

"If I do what do I get from it?" He asked as he stopped at the water.

"I'll owe you one." I said softly.

"Fine. Hold on to my neck and don't let go." He said as he motioned for me to come over to him.

I walked over to him and he put his arm around my waist. I slipped my arms around his neck and waited for us to take off. I smiled as we swam through the water. As we swam I looked around and saw hundreds of fish. Soon he went up and I gasped as air filled my lungs.

"There.... now don't come back into the water." He said as we made it to land.

"And if I do?" I asked softly.

"I won't save you."

"Thank you again.... Prince Orm of Atlantis." I said as I turned and walked away.

"You are welcome Princess of I don't give a damn." He said as he dove into the water.

I smiled as I returned home and plopped down on my couch.

The Counselor's daughter (Aquaman Film)  Where stories live. Discover now