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When I turned twenty I was given news that would change my life.

"Alana, May I come in?" Orm asked softly.

"Of course my prince." I said as I moved to the side.

"I will no longer be the prince... my father has passed.... and they are going to make me king."

"I am so sorry for your loss Orm." I said as I looked up at him.

"I want you there.... beside me." He said as he took my hands.

"That isn't my place... it is Mera's. She is you betrothal." I said as I moved my hands away.

"And you are my best friend..... if not for you I wouldn't have the strength to be king.... and hopefully I can talk King Nereus into having his daughter marry someone else." He said softly.

"No.... you and she are to wed and I won't stop it..... no matter how much I wish we could." I said softly.

"I don't love her! I love you! I want to be with you! I want you to have my children!" He snapped.

"I wish I could be with you.... and I wish I could have your children, but I can't.... no matter how much I wish it." I whispered as I looked at the ground.

"I have to go.... we will talk about this later." He said as he turned and left my house.

When my father returned to the house I was sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he walked up me.

"He wants to marry me." I said sadly.

"Who?" He asked confused.

"Orm.... he wants to marry me. He said so himself." I said sadly.

"I see.... and that is a bad thing why?"

"Because I'm a half breed.... and he hates my kind." I said through tears.

He looked at me sadly and moved to hug me. I laid my head on his chest and cried as he held me. After awhile I had calmed down and I left to meet up with Mera.

"Hello Alana." Mera said as I walked up to her.

"Mera, how are you?" I asked softly.

"I am well... so I hear that Orm might be trying to break our engagement.... do you know anything about it?" She asked softly.

"No.... I haven't really talked to him. He asked me to come to his crowning but that is all." I said calmly.

"Yes, I thought he would ask for me to stand beside him, but he hasn't spoke to me." She said softly.

"I'm sure he will ask you. He is just shy. I'll go talk to him for you." I said as I walked away.

I let out a sigh as I left to find Orm and when I did I saw he was reading a book in our hideout.

"So Princess Mera seems to think you don't want to marry her." I said calmly.

"I don't." He said calmly.

"But you must.... Because you are engaged to marry her... and that is what your father wanted." I said softly.

"Why don't you want to marry me?" He asked sadly.

"It isn't that I don't want to.... it's that.... I don't want you going against your fathers last wish.... and because she has royal blood... I don't.... please... if you don't do this for your father... do it for me." I said softly.

I had felt a lot of pain in my life, but those words felt like daggers and I wish I never would of had to say them.

"I understand." He said in a whisper.

He turned and walked out of the room leaving me alone. When it came time for the ceremony I stood beside my father while Mera stood beside Orm. I watched as he was crowned king and I felt my heart stop as I looked away. When it was over I left to train with Arthur.

"Hey! Careful! Are you trying to kill me?" Arthur asked as he held his shoulder.

"Sorry.... I'm just not in a good mood today." I said as I put my weapon down.

"What happen?" He asked as we set down.

"The man I love is marrying someone else.... and the bad thing is he loves me.... by we can't be together.... it is forbidden." I said sadly.

"Because you're like me? A half breed." He said softly.

I nodded my head and let out a sigh.

"We both love each other, but if he knew what I was.... he wouldn't love me.... no matter how much I wish he would." I said sadly.

Arthur sent me a reassuring smile as he wrapped his arm around me and hugged me.

The Counselor's daughter (Aquaman Film)  Where stories live. Discover now