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We made it to the throne room and my eyes landed on Arthur who was passed out. Soon he was woken up and I watched from beside my father and Orm. I listened to them and I froze as Arthur challenged Orm.

"My king, he is nothing but a half breed. What would you possible get from defeating him?" I asked softly.

"To show my people that I am the true king." Orm said as he turned to look at me.

I stared at his eyes and then heard Arthur clear his throat and I looked at him.

"Sorry to interrupt your eye fucking but what is this challenge?" Arthur asked calmly.

If there was ever a moment in my life that I wanted to beat Arthur to death it was right now.

Orm looked back at him and I flipped him off when no one was looking at me. Arthur let out a chuckle and sent me a wink. After I rolled my eyes I listened to the conversation. Soon the challenge was issued and I bit my lip as I watched them lead Arthur out of the room.

"Leave." Orm said as he set on his thrown.

We all went to leave, but I was stopped.

"All of you except Alana." He said calmly.

I walked back up to him and sent my father a nod. After they left I turned to look at Orm.

"How do you two know each other?" Orm asked sternly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked softly.

"You and Arthur! How do you know him!" He snapped angrily.

"I don't. This is the first time I've met him." I said calmly.

"Don't lie to me. The way he looked at you..... it is obvious he knows you. So tell me the truth now!" He snapped as he grabbed my arm tightly.

"Fine! My father and I use to train with him! But only because your mother asked us to!" I exclaimed as I tried to pull my arm away.

"Do you love him?" He asked as he held my arm tighter.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" I asked confused.

"The way you protected him. Why would you do that if you didn't love him?"

"Because he hasn't done anything to me. And if I was in love with every man I protected I would be in love with a lot of people." I said calmly.

He looked down at me and let go of my arm. He looked down at my arm and watched as I looked down at it.

"I'm sorry... I... I just.... I care about you and... the thought of you loving him-"

"We can't be together Orm.... you are engaged to marry Mera..... and we need to both realize that this-" I said as I pointed at both of us.

"-will never happen. We can't be together.... no matter how much we care about each other." I said softly.

"I understand." He said softly.

I turned and went to leave only to fell him grab my hand again, this time it was more gentle. I turned to look at him and frowned as he stared into my eyes.

"I want you to know.... that no matter what happens.... I will always love you and I hope that one day.... we can be together." He said softly.

I watched as he leaned down and he went to kiss me. I quickly moved away and looked up at him sadly.

There are many days I wish I would of kissed him. That I would of forgot all about him being royalty and I would of let my heart take control of my actions.

"I... I have to go." I said as I turned around and rushed out of the room.

I heard him call my name but I kept swimming away. Soon I arrived at the armory and watched my father and Arthur talk to each other.

"Alana good to see you." Arthur said with a smirk.

"If you ever say what you said in there again I swear I'll end you." I snapped angrily.

"I was trying to mess with him, but seeing the way he reacted he didn't really care. He must really like you." Arthur said with a smirk.

"If you don't shut up I promise I'll beat you to a pump." I said angrily.

"Why because you're worried that I might let it slip you are a half blood too?" He asked calmly.

I smacked him and he looked at me shocked.

"Arthur this is serious! He will kill you!" I snapped.

"Not if I kill him first."

"If you hurt him I promise our friendship is over." I said as I pushed past him.

I made it to where Mera's father was and I set beside him. Soon the fight had started and I held my breath as I watched it. When Orm broke Arthur's trident I froze. He went in for the kill and I watched as a wave of water threw him back. When Orm stood up he saw Arthur escape with Mera. I shook my head as I watched her leave and he followed her with his men. When they returned I heard him say that Arthur and Mera was killed.

"My lord I have other news you should hear." Murk said calmly.

"What is it?" Orm asked annoyed.

"It appears that Arthur isn't the only half breed alive.... am I right Lady Alana." Murk said with a smirk.

The moment the words left his mouth my whole world came crashing down. I felt my heart stop and I watch Orm look at him shocked.

"How dare you accuse my daughter of being a half breed!" My father exclaimed.

"I heard it from my own ears. Arthur called her one..... from what I know they are close." He said calmly.

"We are. I am Aquawoman.... I help him save people... and yes I am a half breed." I said softly.

"See she admits it." Murk said cheerfully.

"But that is on me. My father has nothing to do with me helping Arthur.... I do it because I want to." I said softly.

"Lock her away." Orm said sternly.

I looked at the ground as I was put in cuffs and taken away. I laid on the bed in my cell and felt tears stream down my face as I covered my face. I heard footsteps and quickly whipped my eyes. I looked up to see my father.

"Don't worry when Arthur is king-"

"I don't care! I don't care if he ever becomes king! I don't care about meeting my mother! All I care about now.... is if Orm will ever forgive me...... and I know in my heart he won't." I said through tears.

The moment those words left my mouth I knew that if I died in that moment in that very second I wouldn't care.


"Please leave.... just leave me alone." I said as I rolled over on my side and closed my eyes.

After awhile I fell asleep and when I woke up it was to someone opening the door to my cell. I set up and looked at the door, I held my breath as I met Orm's eyes.

The Counselor's daughter (Aquaman Film)  Where stories live. Discover now