Chapter 6

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Here it is finally. Chapter 6. Sorry for the long wait. From now on the AN at the beginning of the chapter won't be too long, and will go straight into the chapter. Hope you like! ;)


An idiot is calling...

An idiot is calling...

An idiot is calling...

An id-

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, and checked the caller ID. It was Jack calling for about the 28th time since Friday night. An idiot indeed.

I pressed 'ignore' and concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other while walking towards her. I had spent all weekend planning on what I was going to say to her, but now as I felt myself moving closer to the goal, the speech I had planned flew out of the window.

She turned around and jumped out of her skin when she saw me.

'Woah Alex! You freaking scared me! Don't do that to me, girl,' she said while shoving her books in her shoulder bag.

I put on a serious face, not trying to dither. 'Hello LIzzie.' I replied coldly, crossing my arms across my chest.

'Um hi? I haven't seen you since Ryan's party. Where've you been? By the way, what's with the Ice Queen persona?'

'Look, cut the act. I know what happened after Ryan's party last week between you and Jack.' I got straight down to the point. I didn't want to waste my time.

Her eyes glazed over in guilt, but it vanished just as fast as it had appeared. Swinging her bag over her shoulder she said, 'Girl, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.'

I scoffed. Could she get any more stubborn? 'Are you sure? Because from what I've heard, you were getting pretty cosy with my boyfriend last week.' My voice was starting to rise, and some people in the hallways were giving us strange glances, but I didn't care.

Lizzie looked around, paranoid about all the students staring at us, and settled her gaze on me. After a few seconds of intense staring, her gaze dropped and she let out a huge sigh of defeat. Her big wall of denial crumbled, and she fell. (Not literally.)

'Alex, I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to find out this way-'

'According to Jack, you never even meant for me to find out in the first place.' I cut her sentence short.

She paused. 'Wait, Jack told you? What exactly did he tell you?'

This time I paused, recalling the conversation with Jack, as all my anger and fury slowly started to ebb its way back in. 'Jack said that you were too drunk to go home, so he dropped you off, but you wanted more. A-a-and...'- my voice wavered as I felt tears threatening to fall- 'And, you made him have sex with you.' I paused to collect my emotions together. 'But that doesnt matter. I want to hear YOU admit it. Or do you not have the guts too?'

'Alex you gotta believe me, that was NOT how the night ended. Yes I was drunk, which is my own fault. And yes, Jack did come to drop me home and help me, but I sure as hell did not 'make him' have sex with me! God! You're making it sounds as if I raped him, Alex! You know that I would never, EVER, hurt you intentionally.'

'That is not what-' I started to say but Lizzie interrupted me.

'Let me finish. Please?' I nodded to her, telling her to carry on.

'Thanks.' Deep breath in, and she started off. 'Anyway, I might have been the first one to kiss him, but I was tipsy. I had no idea as to what I was doing, but I felt a little voice in the back of my head screaming at me, and telling me how wrong it was. I pulled away immediately and apologised to Jack, and told him that he could leave.

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