Chapter 15

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'You think you can just treat her like shit and leave her? Do you have no shame at all?'

'Shut up, you faggot! She seems to be doing fine without me!'

I screamed at both of them to stop. They were drawing the attention of everyone in the cafeteria and it was getting to much for me to handle.

Ethan and Andre, another player on the football team, held back both of them from lashing out at each other. They both struggled in their strong holds but remained within confinement. For now.

Jack's face was crimson, boiling with rage, and his breathing was coming out in deep huffs from the shouting. Ryan's face was just as red but he seemed to be a lot more calmer than Jack.

'Let GO of me you dick or I swear to God I'll make your life hell in practice!' Jack bellowed.

'You think I care about that man? You need to calm the fuck down before you get kicked out of school,' Ethan retorted back just as angrily but a lot quieter.

Jack huffed and wiped his forehead on his shoulder, glaring at Ryan.

I massaged my temples gently trying to get rid of the head ache I felt coming on. My eyes shut and fluttered back open. The whole cafeteria was silent, the heavy breaths of Jack and Ryan the only main sounds in the room.

I looked between the two and gasped when I noticed a small trickle of blood coming from the side of Ryan's head. Running over to him I brushed my finger gently on the skin surrounding the source. He hissed in pain and squeeze his eyes shut. I looked at Andre, nodding at him to let Ryan go.

He slowly and cautiously let go of Ryan's arms that were held behind his back. Ryan's hand gingerly went to the bruise that was already forming and clenched his teeth in pain.

I met his brown eyes and his green specks were glinting dangerously. I noticed his expression softened a little when he realised that I was standing in front of him with a worried look.

'Come on. Let's get that checked out,' I muttered softly.

He just shrugged and shot a angry look over my shoulder. I turned around to see Jack standing rigidly with his fists in tight balls at the side of his face. Ethan was standing next to him and whispering something in his ear that made him shake even more. I could tell that he was desperately trying not to just lash out again at Ryan.

He stared at me with his ice cold blue eyes with his jaw tightly clenched. The way his eyes zoned in on me made me flinch making me feel small. Really small. And I didn't like it at all. I looked back at him refusing to look away. It was almost as if I was challenging him to do something else or say something else with him being fully aware that I was watching his every move.

Ethan still had his back to me so I couldn't make out what he w as saying, but a few seconds later Jack's shoulders slumped and his jaw unclenched as well as his fists.

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion I wonder what Ethan could have said. Ethan who still didn't turn around, placed a hand on Jack's shoulder and patted softly. Jack nodded and broke out our eye lock.

He scanned the rest of the room, finally noticing that everyone was staring. No one said a word. Everything was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Even the lunch ladies didn't move or say anything. Finally Ethan spoke.

'What are you losers look at? Shows over! Go eat your damn food!'

And just like that everyone broke out of their trance like state and scurried back to their lunch tables.

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