Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend Keren cus she's just the awesomest person ever! Every time in school, she pesters me to upload, so be very thankful to her for motivating me to upload!

Anywaaayyyy.... CHAPTER TEN! HERE IT IS...


Chapter Ten

'Every story had an ending, but in life a ending is just a new beginning.'

As soon as Joey woke up, I was out. I was quite sure that Jack would stay with her and not be stupid by coming after me. I didn't want to deal with him now.

The image of the picture remained imprinted in my head. It would stay there for eternity, and nothing would help me get that image out of my mind. It was etched into my memory, ironed into my being.

Tears lined the rim of my eyes, but never fell. I wiped them away with the back of my hand and carries on walking. I need to put as much gap between me and Jack. I had walked out on him, and it held a stronger meaning than just walking out of a room. After that, there would be no chance of us ever getting back together. I'd left him there, and I walked away. Away from him and out of his life.

There would be no way we were going to get back together. I knew it, and I think he did it too. With only a few months till graduation, there was no point. It was better this way. We would have to move on after graduation anyway, but ending it now gives us both time to move on before we would have been forced to.

As I walked down the hallways, I came to the stairs leading upstairs to the library. I sat under them, and hugged my legs closer to me. I gave out a frustrated sigh and rested my head against my knees. Why did everything have to go so wrong so quickly? Out of all this, I was grateful that Ryan and me became friends.

Speaking of the devil... 'Alex?' A voice called my name, and I looked up. Ryan stood in front of me looking down at me with a worried expression. I offered a weak smile and averted my gaze back to my intertwined fingers. I heard him sit down to the right of me. His eyes bore hot holes into the side of my face.

I met his eyes, and he sat there offering a kind smile. 'Hey.' It came out a little forced. I wasn't going to cry in front of him. Again. I didn't want him to see me in a sorry state for the nth time.

'Hey yourself,' he answered back with a grin. It was clear he was trying to lighten up the mood, and it made me laugh a little. A silence grew between us, as each of us contemplated on what to say next. 'Wanna talk about it?' Ryan asked, a little hesitantly.

When I didn't answer, he sighed softly. I felt guilty about not telling him. I'm not sure why, but it didn't feel right not telling him. He knew everything, and something tugged at my stomach when I didn't reply to his question.

'I think me and Jack have broken up permanently.' I avoided looking at him, but a little voice in my head told me to look up and gaze into his gorgeous hazel brown eyes with attractive green flecks. I caught him looking at me with an expression I couldn't quite read. Was that- relief?

'Alex, I'm not going to say what everyone else would say in a situation like this, which is "I'm sorry". I have no idea what you may be going through, but I'm glad that you guys are moving on. He doesn't deserve you Alex. You're honest and truthful, and those are qualities that Jack will never be able to get. I'm happy for you in a way, because now you can finally put this all behind you- well as much as you can anyway. It won't be okay for a while, but you'll move on by then, and this will all be a distant haze.'

His eyes skirted across my face, trying to take in my emotions and read my eyes. That's why I like Ryan. He's honest, and doesn't beat around the bush. He doesn't say things that aren't true just to make me feel better. He says it as it is, and in a weird way that is more comforting than having someone lie to you about how it's all going to be okay.

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