Chapter 9

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'A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.' 


Anger coursed through me as I stormed down the hallways. My eyes narrowed in on my target. He was acting so carefree, casually leaning against his locker and chatting up a girl. That made me even more furious.

I stomped upto him, not caring that students were giving me funny looks. I balled my hands into a fist and released them again.

I slammed him into the locker, ignoring the girl next to us who was stunned and petrified. I put my hand to his throat, and pushed him even harder into the locker behind him.

His face was slowly turning red due to the lack of blood flow to his face. 'H-hey J-jack.' he rasped out. 'W-what's th-'

'DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT ETHAN! You think you can just knock my sister up, and move on to the next girl?' I hissed in his face. His attempt at keeping a smile on his face, dropped and he looked at me seriously. I loosened my grip on him slightly, giving him space to breath.

'Excuse me?'

'You heard me, bro! If you think that you can fuck my sister, and leave her like a piece of dogshit, then you got another thought coming, buddy.' My voice was strained as I tried my hardest to keep it low. People around us were looking and whispering.

I turned to them. 'What are you guys looking at?' I snapped. 'This is none of your business.' And just like that, the crowd dispersed.

I dropped my arms to the side, an d looked accusingly at Ethan. I balled my hands into a fist and released it again. I repeated the process in order to stop me from going all Jackie Chan on his ass.

'Well?' I demanded.

Ethan ran his hand through his hair and looked at me frustratedly. 'Look, man, I have no idea what you're talking about.'

'Don't you DARE lie to me!" I shouted. 'She's my sister, Ethan! My little sister! And now she's pregnant with your kid!'

His jaw dropped. His eyes widened and he stared at me in utter shock. 'W-what? No, that's not possible...' He trailed off as he let out a huge puff of air.

'Look, man. I'm going to ask you this only once, and I want you to answer me straight. Understand?' I demanded.

He nodded his head slightly.

'Did you, or did you not sleep with my sister? And I don't want shit about me not understanding, okay?' My voice was authoritative and steady.

Hanging his head down, he mumbled a few incoherent words. Ethan looked back at me, and his eyes said it all. 'Yeah, I did. But-'

My fist cut him off. I punched him. And I punched him hard.

'Agh, whav va hwell bwo?' his words coming out in gurgles as he cradled his nose. He tried to swing back at me, but missed his target. I dodged his failing attempts to hit me. I brought my fist around again and caught his chin. I know that would hurt him, because my knuckles started to pain like a truck had run over them.

People were gathering around us, and gaping in shock.

In the crowd I caught eyes with Alex, but she had anger in her eyes. Anger and fury that was directed at me. But she quickly redirected her gaze and looked at Ethan again. I don't know what I did wrong. He had it coming.

Joey came out of no where, and ran to Ethan's side. 'Oh god! Ethan? Are you okay?' He groaned in response. There was blood trickling down his nose and it bloodied his grey t shirt.

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