Chapter 1

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Hi guys! This is my first story, and I hope all you guys like it, and please comment and let me know what you think! I also want to dedicate this story, in general, to my friend, and no. 1 fan (JOKES! :P), Zara who motivated me to write this and help me come up with the name and the 7 steps! I also want to tell you guys to check her stories out, 'The Chase' and 'Belladonna Boarding House'.



I slammed my locker shut; tears were rolling down my face. I couldn't control them. No matter how much I tried to stop crying, the little drops just kept on coming. The reality of the situation had obviously hit me, and hit me hard. Sighing, I stifled a sniff and hugging my books, I walked away.

'Alex wait! It was just one night! Babe!'

I kept thinking, my best friend and my boyfriend, my BEST friend and my BOYfriend. How could Lizzie do this to me?! We've known each other forever. I would never have done anything like this to her.

I could hear him running after me and trying to catch up with me. But I wasn't going to turn around. If I did, it would show my weakness. I knew that if I turned around and looked at him I would give into those gorgeous, hypnotizing bluey-green eyes that could steal any girl's heart. They made my heart melt, from the very first day I saw him.

'Hey, please wait up.' He grabbed my arm and swirled me around. Don't look at his eyes, DON'T LOOK AT HIS EYES!!

I looked at the floor, and shuffled my feet to keep me distracted.

'Hey. Hey! Look at me.' I ignored him. He took my chin and lifted my face up with the gentlest touch, and looked down at me with those big round eyes. I could feel them gazing into my own hazel brown eyes. I couldn't resist eyes like THESE. DAMN Alex! What happened to not looking into his eyes! I made a mental note to work on my resistance to eyes.

'Please listen to me kay? Hear me out. I know your mad at me-'

'I sure as hell am!', I snapped back.

He paused for a second before carrying on.

'Right then... But what happened that night had nothing to do with what was happening between us okay? You gotta believe me.'

'Okay Jack, if what you just told me wasn't because of the rough patch we hit, then why did you sleep with my best friend? Huh? Inspire me.'

He sucked in his breath and ran his hands slowly through his dark brown hair. Man, did he look hot when he did that. Focus Alex! Your mad at him remember.

I tapped my feet waiting rather patiently waiting for his answer. The tears had stopped and I probably looked a wreck but Jack didn't seem to notice.

Jack sighed and dropped his hands by his side and looked at me.

'Listen Alex. You know that I would never hurt you. I love you! You are, and always will be, the love of my life.'

'Cut the crap Jack. Just tell me.' I was the love of his life? This was something new, and for some reason it made my heart skip a beat.

He looked surprised by the way I'd just acted, and to be honest I was too. I had never been so feisty with him before.

'Fine, but you just let me talk, and only say something after I'm done. Please.'

I raised my eyebrows signalling him to start explaining.

'After Ryan's party on Saturday, Lizzie was really drunk and she could barely stand up by herself, and since you had gone home early, I decided to take her home. But when we got there, her parents where home so I had to take her upstairs into her room and put her on the bed. I gave her some water and told her to go to sleep and that I had to get home. But she grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto her bed. She pinned me down and sat on top of me and started to take off my shirt and-'

'Please Jack, spare me the details.' I had heard enough, and I felt like throwing up.

'I'm not done. I told her to stop, but she wouldn't. She kept saying that you wouldn't mind and that you would never find out about it. She kept placing kisses on my neck and face and she was just outta control Alex! Lizzie's surprisingly strong for the skinny girl that she is, but I managed to push her back. I told her that what I did was for the best and I left the house there and then.'

I was shocked. I couldn't breathe or respond. I just stared at him blankly. This was all Lizzie's fault, Jack hadn't done anything wrong. That bitch... I would get her later.

'Alex? ALEX! Say something!' He was shaking me and had a concerned look on his face. 'Can you hear me? Alex! Do something! Anything! Please!!'

And I did. Something that I wasn't exactly expecting to do. I kissed him. I felt him freeze, just for a millisecond, but then he relaxed. I was expecting him to pull away or push me back, but he kissed me back and it felt good. His soft lips were on mine, and he deepened the kiss, like he'd never kissed me before. My books dropped onto the floor and they landed with a thud. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in closer, his tall figure almost looming over me. I ran my hands through his soft hair and pulled his head in closer. How did I go from hating him to kissing him like these in a matter of minutes?? Before I could continue thinking bout that thought, his lips gently started to pull away.

'Well come back.' He smiled at me flashing me his perfect white teeth, making my heart melt inside.

'I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.' I replied. I was out of breath from the intense kiss we just shared.

'Sorry?! Alex are you kidding me? That was amazing! Does that mean I'm forgiven?' He gave me those adorable puppy dog eyes and blinked at me. How could I resist them?

'Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry that I was mad at you Jack.' I knelt on the floor to pick up my books, which had dropped during our little session, and he bent down to help me. 'But I never expected Lizzie to do something like this so I automatically assumed it was you. I mean, I've known Lizzie ever since kindergarten, and she's my best friend.'

'It's okay Alex. The only thing that matters to me is you. And if your not happy, I can't be happy either.'

I secretly smiled to myself. He did care about me. Then I remembered what he'd told me before, about how I was the love of his life, and I just HAD to ask him if he truly meant it or not.


'Yeah babe?'

'You know what you said earlier, about how I was the love of your life, did you really mean that?' I looked up at him and gazed into his eyes.

'Of COURSE I did! You mean the world to me, Alex Foster and I've never experienced anything like this with anybody. Your special Alex, and I can feel it every time I'm with you. I love you more than anything in the world, and universe. I think that.. that....'

I placed my palm on the side of his face, I got on my tiptoes and whispered ever so gently into his ear, 'You think what Jack? Tell me.'

I could tell that the way I whispered into his ear made him get goose bumps. I had tried to say it as seductively as possible and I could see it had its affect on him.

'I think that you're... the one.'

Will try to update as soon as I can. Find out what happens next in Chapter 2 from Jack's POV.

Please comment on what you think of Chapter 1!

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