(Lucas' P.O.V.)
" Hi Lucas," Riley replied.
" Hi Riley," Logan said," How is your day going?"
" Oh it is going great, just great."
Riley sounded a little angry, but I didn't say anything. If I did and she was angry, I wouldn't have her as a friend anymore.
" Good for you," Logan proclaimed with a slight tone of fear in hear voice, You could just tell and her face was a little creeped out too.
We all just sat there in silence for a couple minutes, it was very awkward. After a couple of minutes Maya walked in, which was good because she loved talking.
" Hi losers," Maya said breaking the silence. Hi losers was like Maya's catch phrase should would say it when ever everyone was together.
" Riley are you okay, because you look like someone stole your ice cream, and made you watch them eat it," Maya continued.
Riley didn't say anything she just lifted her head gave my a look, and went right back down.
" Umm okay.. So Lucas, how is your relationship."
" Relationship what relationship."
"Lucas, you dint have to act like we don't know about you and Logan."
" Wait what!A relationship between me and Logan are you serious who.."
" It is going great," Logan said barging in, " thank for asking."
" No problem?" Maya said very confused.
" Okay we need to talk, lets go Logan."
" Why does Maya think we are a couple," I said very angrily.
" Because we are," Logan replied, " somewhat."
" What do you mean we are a couple."
" Because I told them we are one... Please don't get mad."
The Lies Beneath The World ( GMW Twister )
Hayran KurguThe relationship between Maya and Riley fades away. New people come along changing there lives in both a good and bad way. Romances bud as fights get bigger. Their lives aren't like they were back in sixth grade.