Retrieval: Part 2

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(The image above is what I imagined the Shrine Spirits look like...)

You walked away, upset by what you had just witnessed. "How could he even say that after acting so self-righteous to me." You angrily said, remembering his words. "Well, good riddance to him then!" You thought to yourself as you walked faster. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you weren't paying attention to what was in front of you. You bumped into a something bouncy and fell on your butt. "Hey there, Mister." The 'bouncy' creature greeted. "We know you, you're that human boy they say became the new Moon God at the Tsukuyomi Shrine." The other creature stated. 

"I heard that Tsukuyomi disappeared but has made you his replacement, but I had no clue that you'd be so..." 

"Delicious and tasty looking." The first creature finished. 

You screamed in fear as they all went to attack you. But they started fighting each other over which one would eat you. You took this chance to get the hell out of there, but your shrine spirits beat you to it, scooping you up. The monsters stopped fighting when they noticed you were gone. All three started to chase after you when Shinjiro stepped in front of them. "Ah-, Master Shinjiro!" One of them exclaimed in surprise. "Uh, say, you wouldn't mind if we ate that delicious looking human boy...would you?" The other one stepped in. "Y-yeah, it's fine, right?" 

Shinjiro's eyes hardened on them, "You three are the disgusting ones," Shinjiro muttered, making them confused. One stepped forward to say something, their hand outstretched. Shinjiro didn't give him the chance to, along with his counterparts. He then realized what he had said. "Don't tell me I'm actually affected by his words." He thought to himself. Shinjiro turned to leave but paused before he continued walking. Back with you, you were catching your breath from running. "We should be far enough, Lord Hokuto," Yukito said. 

"Lord (m/n), please listen to us. Please go back to Master Shinjiro!" Yukito pleaded. "Huh?" You asked as you sat up. "You must have Master Shinjiro become your familiar at all costs!" Itsuki stated. "Why should I, he clearly doesn't want to have anything to do with me," You said as you got up and began to walk away. Yukito and Itsuki right on your heels. "But Lord (m/n)," Yukito started. "If you seal the contract to make Master Shinjiro your familiar," Itsuki continued. "Master Shinjiro will have no choice but to obey your every command." Yukito finished. You stopped to turn around and looked at them, wondering if what they said was true. 

"Yes! That is one of the powers the Moon God possesses." Itsuki explained. "Well, that sounds kind of nice...what do I have to do to seal the contract?" You asked. "It's quite simple, my lord," Yukito started. "You must take him," Both of them joined in. "And kiss him right on the mouth!" An "are-you-kidding-me" look appeared on your face. "Then Master Shinjiro will become your loyal servant forever~!" Yukito sang. "After that thereshouldbenothing that you cannot make him do~." Itsuki finished off. They then turned to look at you, only to see that you were not there. 

"Lord (m/n)?" Itsuki called. They started calling your name as you hid behind a tree. "No way. Why are those guys trying to make me do something so horrible!" You thought to yourself as you started running. "I'm going back just like I said I was going to, and I'm going to go back as fast as I can go," You said out loud as you sped up. "Excuse me." You then heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Sana. "Sana?" You called her name as you walked out. "(m/n)? What a surprise to see you here." She greeted and you nodded, coming to stand in front of her. "How did you end up in this weird forest?" You asked and she giggled. 

"I just had to visit the Tsukuyomi Shrine." She said, but you felt that something was off with her.

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