Just Like Me Part 2

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You walked onto the roof, holding up a letter. "Why did you want to meet me here?" You asked Kurama, who was looking mysterious as usual. "First of all, I want to ask you a question... The only thing I have to do is meet their gaze, and everyone blushes and looks at their feet. But for some reason, you alone claim to hate me, why is that?" He asked as he turned to look at you. "This guy can't be serious!" You thought to yourself. 

"I apologized to your friend and even spoke up for her when she was being accused. I guess I just don't understand at all what you're so unhappy about." You frowned. "What I'm unhappy about is how you treat others like you're better than them. Maybe if you didn't act so high and mighty, I'd like you a lot more," You paused. "If that's everything you wanted to say, I'm leaving." You turned around and walked away. Kurama's aura suddenly became dark. "Oh, (m/n), that's not everything anymore. When you so carelessly revealed your identity, you also made my life so much easier."

He was interrupted when a foot kicked him down, making him face plant into the ground. "I found you, you dirty yōkai." Shinjiro declared as he levitated. "Who the hell are you?" Kurama asked as he turned his head to look at Shinjiro. "You must have sharp eyes to set sights on him, especially so fast. Either that, or he's an idiot." Kurama got up and said, "You must be his familiar." Kurama said as he stood up and brushed away the dirt from his clothes. "But you're right, he is an idiot!" Kurama then tried to get a hit on him, but Shinjiro easily dodged it.

"I am his familiar, and you are?" Shinjiro asked, ignoring his remark. "A Crow Tengu of Mount Kurama, I descended 17 years ago. Sadly now that you have seen my true identity," He then flung himself towards Shinjiro. "You must die!" Kurama then sent a blade of air, surprising Shinjiro. He quickly dodged the attack. "Did you like that, Blueberry? Your yōkai powers seem more than a little proficient. After I become Moon God, I wouldn't be opposed to bringing you on as my familiar. If you ask nicely, I am certain you would prefer me over that little boy, would you not?" Kurama asked.

"You believe you can become the Moon God?"

"Of course I can. All I have to do is take one bite of that kid's heart." Shinjiro smirked. "This is fun, look behind you." Shinjiro then appeared behind Kurama and wrapped his arm against Kurama's neck. "When I think of how bastards like you will be coming for Hokuto... I honestly could not be happier that he is the Moon God." Suddenly though, Tomoe appeared and slapped a leaf on Kurama's forehead, turning him into an ostrich. Shinjiro backed off, laughing at Kurama. 

"My my, well done Tomoe. I see that he was getting on your nerves as well. After all, he was picking on your Land God." Shinjiro said to Tomoe. Kurama froze and yelled, "Wait! Nanami's a Land God!?" Tomoe ignored this and turned to Shinjiro. "Remember Shinjiro, we are not friends," Tomoe said as he faked a smile at Shinjiro. "I couldn't agree more, fox." The two narrowed their eyes at each other. "Oh," Tomoe started as he looked at Kurama. 

"Did you know that ostrich meat is low in calories and full of iron and other minerals? How lucky for you right, you wanted to be a Land God. After I feed you to Nanami, you'll become part of her flesh which I find so romantic. Believe you me, I will bring all my skills to bear to make you a Land God." He finished with a dark aura. "WAAAHHHHH!" Kurama screamed as he ran away. "How exciting, now I won't have to make dinner," Shinjiro said with a smile. "We shall have roasted ostrich for dinner tonight," Tomoe said he too smiled at Shinjiro. 

Meanwhile, Kurama was currently running through the school's halls. "A FAMILIAR?! HOW IS ANY PART OF WHAT JUST HAPPENED THE WORK OF A FAMILIAR?! HELP SOMEONE STOP THAT MAN AND FOX! SAVE ME, HUMAN GODS!!!"

// M E A N W H I L E //

You were currently sitting at your desk, listening to Nanami talk about her book. "'I can't fight these feelings any longer'. It's about time Lisa, I bet you and Mike will be in love forever." You chuckled and said, "I wish my high school life could be even half that exciting." Just then, you two heard a boy say, "I just heard there's an ostrich being chased around the school by a ball of electricity, and a ball of blue fire!" Your heads shot up to look at each other. "Seriously?" You two froze and looked out the window, and sure enough, you both saw an ostrich being chased by a ball of fire and a ball of light. You both ran to the window.

"I knew it! Tomoe's fire!"

"Shinjiro's lightning!"

You both looked at each other in confusion. "Wait! Are you a God too?!" You both asked each other in sync. Suddenly, you spotted a girl carrying a stack of papers. "Oh no! Watch out!" You jumped out of the window and pushed the girl to safety. When the scene cleared, there were papers all over the place. Nanami ran to your side and looked at the ostrich. "I know that pendant." She said while she looked over at you with a knowing look.



// N U R S E ' S O F F I C E //

"No one was hurt, so maybe it turned out alright. But you've got some nerve going on a rampage like that at school." Nanami reprimanded Tomoe, while you nodded and glared at Shinjiro. Tomoe then feigned cutely, "I was merely trying to protect you." He explained. "Great, but what does that have to do with Kurama being a bird?!" Nanami demanded as she pointed at Kurama. "Well, to begin with, he is not a human. He is a yokai called a Crow Tengu." You and Nanami were shocked by this and she grabbed Kurama by the neck. 

"I thought you were supposed to be some kind of fallen angel from heaven, you big jerk!" You coughed and said, "Anyways, I want you to turn him back the way he was, Tomoe." You said as you looked over at him. Shinjiro then frowned, while Tomoe put feigned cutely. "But what shall we have for dinner tonight?" They both asked. "Turn him back!" Nanami yelled at Tomoe. You then bent down to Kurama and said, "Listen Kurama, I suppose I can help you out this time, so no more trouble making at school. And no making my, or Nanami's, life difficult. You'll have to promise me." 

Kurama then teared up, and Tomoe waved his arm, turning Kurama back to normal. "I thought I was dead for sure." He said as he had a scared look on his face. "Hold on a second, Kurama." You started.

"What do you want?! You got some problem with me being a Tengu?!"

"No, your face,"


"You've been hurt. We need to get it disinfected." You said as you started rummaging for some medicine and a bandage. "Leave it." You then suddenly grabbed his face, surprising him. "Quit being stupid. You know that pop stars can't have scars on their faces! I may not like you very much, or at all, but there are a ton of girls that for some reason do. At the very least you need to look like you take care of yourself. You don't wanna let your fans down, right?" You said as you gave him a warm smile. 

To Kurama, your whole form was glowing and sparkly. You looked so beautiful, with your smile and stunning eyes. "Right." He said as he averted his gaze, his cheeks pink. You then began treating him, and everyone was smiling, until Shinjiro said, "Hold it, this Tengu deserves his every injury yet he his getting loving treatment, while I am the one to be yelled at?!" You sent him a glare and said, "Stop complaining, you don't have any injuries!" Shinjiro then straightened himself and said, "Because I am very skilled, you can't get angry at me for that." 

You glanced at him and asked, "More importantly, why didn't you tell me that you knew Nanami was a Goddess?" Shinjiro frowned. "Tomoe, did you know that (m/n) was a God?" Nanami asked her familiar. "YOU BOTH HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" You and Nanami yelled in unison. The two familiars hung their heads. 

As you both scolded your familiars, Mikage and a man by the name of Sirius sat on a tree branch. "Your Nanami is quite entertaining, but I can tell that she has a good heart," Sirius said as he stared at the brown haired girl. "And (m/n) is a good example for her, and balances her out," Mikage said. "Tell me, Sirius, is your Master doing well?" A chuckle rumbled in Sirius's chest. "The light in his eyes is coming back to life," He simply answered and Mikage chuckled. "You all must feel relief." Mikage inferred and Sirius hummed. 

"I am pleased that my Master is doing better, and it's all thanks to Hokuto," Sirius said as he stared down at you. "He really does look like him." He thought to himself. "I am excited for both of their futures, they both hold so much potential," Mikage said and Sirius agreed. Sirius heard a whistle being carried by the wind. "It seems that your visit has ended," Mikage spoke with a small smile. "I feel it in the stars that our paths will cross again, Mikage...until then," Sirius said as he stood up and slowly faded away. "Until then..." Mikage repeated before butterflies surrounded him.

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