Just Like Me: Part 1

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// N E X T D A Y //

You woke up with a smile on your face and quickly got dressed. When you were finished you heard a knock on the door. You slid it open to see Yukito standing there with your breakfast. "Thanks, Yukito!" You said as you took the plate and ate the food. You ate all of it by the time you reached the front door of the shrine. You saw Shinjiro standing there with a weird looking box holding at least three bentos. "Thanks, but I don't need that much." You joked as you just took one. "Remeber to keep your chest hidden." Shinjiro reminded and you nodded. 

You said goodbye to him before you were out the door. You got on the bus and rode it as far as you could. While you were walking, three girls from your class ran up to you. "Hey, (m/n)~!" They all greeted in a sing-song way. "Oh, good morning." You greeted them politely, making them giggle. "You don't mind if we walk with you, right?" One asked and you shook your head. They all giggled again, making you feel very uncomfortable. You continued walking, the girls following you like lovesick puppies. This carried on the whole way to homeroom.

// T I M E S K I P //

You were in PE now, dressed in your PE attire. Right now, the girls were jogging around the track, while the boys were doing push-ups and the like. You weren't struggling at all since you've done a lot of heavy working jobs...and maybe the fact that you're a demihuman. Right now, you were doing chin ups. The other boys were cheering you on, counting every chin up you did. "47...48...49...50!!" You dropped, beads of sweat all over you. You were feeling cocky at this moment, so you lifted your shirt up to wipe your mouth, revealing your sculpted body. 

You heard the girls squeal in delight. "Wow, (m/n)! You're so strong!" A girl said to you and you smiled. "Do you work out a lot?" Another girl asked. "Whenever I can, I do." You answered and the girls giggled. "(m/n), you were a beast out there!" A boy said as he came up behind you with his friends. Everything almost went still as you turned around to look at the boy (your ponytail doing the thing where it goes over your eyes...yeah, that). "Thanks, it made me happy when you cheered for me." You said as sparkles and flowers blossomed around you. The group of boys all flushed pink. 

You gave them a closed eye smile, still holding your shirt up. During this, Kurama watched on with a displeased expression. He's supposed to be the one receiving all the attention. He certainly didn't want to share the spotlight with anyone, much less you. That reminded him of the words you spat at him. "Grrr, that annoying brat...he needs to be shoved back into his place." An idea then came to his mind, and he evilly smirked, excited for the future. It was near the end of the class, so everyone got to talk before the bell rang. 

"(m/n)!" Someone called your name and you turned to see Nanami running towards you. "Hey, Nanami." You greeted and she grinned. "You looked pretty cool out there!" She said, immediately scolding herself for her choice of words. "Thanks, it felt good to push myself," You said back and she hummed. "Alright everyone, go get dressed!" The coach boomed and everyone obeyed. You walked into the boy's locker room with the same group of boys. They joked around with you, practically spewing out jokes to just make you laugh. 

Kurama begrudgingly watched, just wanting the boys to shut up already. You were taking off your shirt when Kurama looked over at you. Right when the fabric covered your face, Kurama saw the mark of the Moon God on your chest. His eyes practically bulged out of his eyes, shocked at what he was seeing. Everything then made sense to him: your strength, your effect on people...and your looks. "This changes everything," he thought to himself as he looked away. "He's not only a God but also human! Haha, this is going to be way too easy!" He smirked and chuckled to himself.

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