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  One afternoon after class Kong, a 3rd year student at Bangkok Art Collage,is out taking pictures for his upcoming exam near a river. Wail trying to take a picture of the sunset and not watching where he was stepping, Kong slipped almost falling into the river. As he was walking past on his way home, Art, a fellow 3rd Art student, happen to see Kong at the river side. The moment Kong slipped, Art rushed over to him pulling him away from the edge and falling onto the grass. Sitting up Kong looked over at Art blinking a few times unable to believe it was him.

Art and Kong had went to the same high school years ago. Ever since the first time seeing him Kong had a crush on Art and wanted to date him. Being scared of what others would think Kong never got the nerve up to ask him out. After years past and Art had moved away for a wail, Kong couldn't believe he would ever see him again. So why was he here of all places and why now?

With a slight pink on his face, Kong stood up and brushed him self off then grabbed his camera and bag then turns to Art. ''Thanks'' he said then turned and rushed off. His heart beating fast in his chest. Watching him rush off, Art stood there confused as to why Kong acted like that. He was just helping someone in trouble. With out giving it anymore thought Art picked up his bag and headed back home.

Running into his house and up the stairs, Kong would make it to his room shutting the door. He throw his bag on his bed and grabbed his phone from his pocket calling Mak. After just a few rings Mak picked up with a ''Yo, Ai'Ko whats going on?'' Mak had always been calling Kong Ko ever since they where kids.

''Hey Ai'Mak, do you remember Art from High School?'' Kong asked.

''Yeah, why?'' said Mak.

''He was the one that saved me at the river'' he said then told him the rest of what happened.

''Dude that's crazy''

''Yeah, but hey I need to go we will talk more about it at school.'' Kong hung up the phone and sat there thinking about the day he just had and all that happened.

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