Chapter Twelve

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A few weeks have past since the events that happened with Art. Toi, Mak and Mimi had been leaving with each other after class. The only thing the others knew was that they needed to keep Kong busy and not to leave him alone. Mak had asked Arm to pick up and drop Kong off at home. They all where confused but just shrugged it off. By the second week they got use to the three of them just running off.

Toi, Mak and Mimi sat on at a coffee shop talking about everything they gathered up.

''Ok, so he goes to the gym after class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.'' Mak said looking at the notes he had.

''Wednesdays and Fridays he goes to the swimming pool'' Mimi added

''Mondays he just goes to school and home'' Toi said looking at the other two. ''We don't want to do it at school in front of the others so Mondays are out''

''I say lets do it Wednesday this week after the swimming pool, I don't have class that day'' Mimi said taking a drink from her cup.

''We only have class that morning, so we can get together after that.'' added Toi.

Mak nodded. They went over what they should do and how to confront him.

On Wednesday after their morning class, Mak and Toi told the others they couldn't join them for lunch. As they where walking away Kong run after them grabbing a hold of Toi's arm. He turned looking at Kong then at Mak.

''Ill wait by the car'' Mak waved at them and headed out.

Toi turned back to Kong and smiled. ''Whats up?'' He said.

''That's what I wanted to ask you'' Kong looked up at him holding tightly to his arm. ''Where have you, Mak and Mimi been going, and why have you been having Arm take me home all the time.''

''There is just something we have to do that is all, and since i'm not able to take you home I just wanted to make sure you got home ok.'' He patted Kong's head, then pulls him into a hug tightly.

''I have to go. Umm lets all get together this weekend ok. We will go get drink. Promise.'' Toi let go and left. Kong just stood there. When Toi reached the car Mak and Mimi where already there. ''Let's go'' is all he said as he unlocked the car and they got in.

Art finished showering after a long swim. He still couldn't get what happened weeks ago with Kong out of his head. He hated himself, but every time he wanted to talk to him at school he was with all his friends and didn't know what to say to get him alone to talk. Running his hands throw his hair he looked at himself in the mirror, then turned and got dressed. He put his headphones in his ears and grabbed his gym bag walking out the door. When he reached his car he noticed someone was sitting on top of it. It was a girl, but not just any girl. She seemed like one of Kong's friends. Looking around he then spoke up to her.

''Umm can I help you and why are you sitting on my car.'' He asked confused

''Your Art, right?'' she asked back with a smile


She jumped down and walked over to him. She was shorter then him but that didn't matter to her.

''All you need to know is my name is Mimi and we have a few people that we need to met with.'' She motioned him to get in the car as she took his keys. ''Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, we just wanna talk to you is all.

''We?'' he questioned as he slowly got in the car.

''You will know when we get there.'' Mimi turned the car on and started to drive off.

With in mins, Mimi pulled the car into a driveway where a gate behind them closed. Hopping out she motioned him to follow her in side the house. Art followed behind. He wonder why he was doing this to start with. Maybe it was cause she was one of Kong's friends so he felt he could trust her.

In side the house Mimi walked into a large room where Mak was leaning against the wall. Mimi hopped onto the back of a chair and sat there looking around.

''Where is he?'' she asked Mak.

''Upstairs, he will be down in a few.'' Mak said moving to Art and pulling him to sit on the couch.

''Umm can someone tell me where I am and what I am doing here?'' Art asked looking around.

''Well you see your at my house'' a voice came from behind him ''and why you are here is very simple.''

Art turned to see Toi walking into the room with a stern look on his face.

''The things I told you where so that you could understand Kong better but from what I...No, we heard and saw you only made things worse.'' He sat in the chair Mimi was sitting on the back of across from Art.

Mak joined in ''We aren't here to make you give Kong up, or to threaten you. We just want to hear what you have to say about the events with you and Kong. That's all.'' He patted both of Art's shoulders before moving to sit on the arm of the couch looking at him.

Art sat there a moment finally understanding what was going on. He took a deep breath and started to explain everything. It wasn't just Kong that had feelings since high school it seems. Art had always liked Kong since the first moment they meet.

''It started the first day of high school. I was new and got lost a lot on the campus. When I was trying to find my way to class one day I bumped into Kong who was taking some notes to the teachers room'' he went on ''Call it silly if you will but from that moment I had a crush on him. Something about his outgoing and cheerfulness was what drew me in. Even after bumping into him and making drop all the notes he never got mad.''

Art stopped for a moment looking at the others who where listening.

''I remember that day'' Mak chimed in. ''I remember Kong coming back to class telling about a boy that bumped into him but he sadly didn't ask his name.''

Art nodded ''He took me to the teachers room with him and dropped off the notes but he had to go. We didn't get to exchange names. I only learned his by asking one of the teachers that knew him.'' He leaned back against the couch. ''I didn't do or say anything cause I didn't know anything about him really, I only knew what I saw. After high school I left for two years over seas. It wasn't till this year that we met again. Then well, everything else you guys know.''

Toi sat there looking at Art for a wail then at the other two. The three of them stood up walked to one end of the room and talked to themselves. Art sat there watching them. Finally they turned and looked at him.

''Why did you do what you did a few weeks ago?'' Toi asked.

''I wanted to hear the truth from him and I was going to tell him how I felt but when I got the chance I just shut down and couldn't do it.'' Art hung his head ''I didn't mean to hurt him. I been trying to figure out a way of talking to him since and to tell him I'm sorry, but he is always with you all and I been scared to talk to him thinking he would hate me.'' he added looking at them.

Toi walked over to Art and looked down at him ''If we can get Kong to meet with you are you willing to talk with him and tell him how you feel?'' he asked

''Yeah, if he will meet with me.''

Toi looked at Mak and Mimi then back at Art.

''Ok, we will help then.''

''Really?'' Art said

''Yeah why not. We went this far'' Mimi laughed

''Sure but we cant tell Kong he is meeting with Art or he might not go.'' Mak added

The four of them sat around talking about what to do and how to get Kong to meet with Art.

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